
Should i press charges?

by  |  earlier

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Ok I was at a party last night and two psychos crashed in punching my friends and then chasing me into the living room. They cornered me and i was terrified so I picked up a small coffee table to use as a weapon but i was too scared to hit them. One bloke punched me and took the table off me (smashing me over the head with it twice) Luckily I took it well and managed to get away to get help..

The guy lives in my area and im quite scared about pressing charges because he might want revenge. Should I do it? please help




  1. Press charges.  If you don't and you get revenge you could go to jail and its not worth it or just hire someone badder to kick their ***.

  2. Well first off, if they came in and wasn't inivited to this party why didn't you call the cops on them, unless there were all minors drinking at the party?

    And how'd they barge in??? They were there thru the front door or what? And sue for what? don't really sound this is a courrt case it sounds more like a bunch of people that they think hot stuff and one got hurt so now lets whine?

    my thoughts only of course

  3. You could definitely press charges because he assaulted you.  If you are scared to do that, then get an emergency protection order (EPO) or restraining order so he can't come around you.  That way you don't have to get a warrant on him and have him put in jail if you really don't want to take it that far.  I would get and EPO for your own safety.

  4. you need to "man up", hunt these thugs down and get your self respect any means necessary

  5. yes, you were assaulted, you could have been killed, if you let this guy go, he will do it again, maybe not to you but some other innocent person who may not be so lucky, do the right thing and take him down.

  6. Press charges. Teach those losers a lesson.

  7. Why does everyone want to sue people anymore?  You were at a party... was there any illegal activity going on (drugs, underage drinking?).  If so, you'll get into a big mess if you try to press charges.

    Leave it alone and obvioulsy, do not go to parties with those people again.

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