
Should i put a hold on shaving down there when i go to my 15 year old checkup?

by  |  earlier

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I'm going to go to the doctor soon to have a checkup, but I don't want them to think I shave it because of a sexual reason. I feel a lot more clean when I shave but I'm afraid they will assume I'm sexually active or something. Do doctors really care, or do you think they would make a comment?




  1. they don't care either way, they see women all day i don't think they really pay attention to weather or not you shaved

  2. they don't care

  3. Nowadays I wait until after my checkup to shave down there. That's because I've already gotten the lecture about how hair is a natural barrier against infections and such.

  4. I honestly think they would prefer it, lol, i know i would if i was a gyno. Go ahead and keep what your doing, and if they commented on it, there perverted and you need to change doctors, lol, don't worry about it, it makes you feel better and that's all that matters.

  5. Most doctors don't care they've seen everything.  If its a check up, your doctor is going to ask if you are sexually active anyway.  Be truthful with him/her.  If your doctor does comment on it, then maybe its time to find a new doctor.

  6. a doctor would not and should not comment on that. he will more than likely ask about sexual activity due to ur age

  7. Just shave it you want.  its not their decision its yours. if they say anything about it and ask you if you are active, just say no i'm not i just feel cleaner when i do. (i'm assuming that you aren't sexually active.)

  8. I don't think a Dr would comment either way.  I've never had one make a comment to me whether I shaved or didn't.  Good luck!

  9. they'd never comment and they're going to ask about sexual activity anyway.  I'd shave personally... but either way- it doesnt matter.  good luck.

  10. keep it shaved it's much cleaner and I'm sure they realize that

  11. Sweetie those are normal questions to have before you go to a gynecologist for the first time. First, they don't care if you shave or not. They are only concerned about you health, and to make sure there is nothing wrong(breast cancer, cervix cancer, infections etc.) They will also discuss if you are sexually active(they question every young female, its not like they're going to single you out just because you shave or not.) There most concern is to make sure you are aware of all the cautions and to always look for any abnormalties there are to the female body. Most women shave around there v****a. This is normal, nothing you should feel ashamed/afraid of. Like I said. They are more concerned about your awareness and well being than you shaving any part of your body. If you have any other questions feel free to ask! :)

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