
Should i put cyber dragon in my oppresion gadget deck?

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Should i put cyber dragon in my oppresion gadget deck?




  1. aaahhhmmm let me think about that...... h**l YES!!!!!!!!!

    Cyber Dragon is a brilliant card in most decks. Although some people may say that Cyber Dragons reign is over, which it is, it can still be extremely playable in most decks. Gadget Oppression decks should definitely use Cyber Dragon


    Machine so suits deck theme

    Special Summoned meaning that you can easily swarm the field with one extra monster to your opponent who will not be able to special summon

    Also just a brilliant card to have in times of trouble, EX. Your opponent has monsters and your currently top decking, and you hit a Cyber Dragon, great to turn the tables.

  2. yah because if u get cyber on your first draw then its just awsome

  3. Yes you should, and you should add a Card trooper if you don't already have one in there. Cyber helps with the gadget swarm, I know your worried about having oppression on the field and a Cyber stuck in your hand, but if you play around it correctly you're in good shape. But Cyber adds to the swarm and card trooper help bring a little more thinning to your deck and some draw power. The best part it they can both be powered up with limiter. So yes add cyber, and i know of coarse you use ultimate offering, just thought I'd mention it to be sure lol. Good Luck

  4. Guess that's ok

  5. Apparently none of the other posters know exactly how Gadget Oppression works.

    Take it from me, Cyber is best left as a side deck choice. Or you could throw 1 in the main deck, and the 2nd in the side deck.

    Gadget Oppression works to NEGATE special summons. The core card of the deck is Royal Oppression which negates all special summons. Your opponent would just pay 800 LP and block the summon.

    1 in the side deck

    1 in the main deck

    There are better choices like Mobius.

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