
Should i put my associate's degree on my application for a job at a coffee shop??

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Should i put my associate's degree on my application for a job at a coffee shop??




  1. Yes.  I have put my degree on every application I have ever filled out, whether it was for a job as a singing clown, a tailor's assistant, a donut shop clerk or cashier at Wal-Mart.  (Yes, I have really held all those jobs.)  Sometimes people think you are "overqualified", but most hiring managerse are smart enough to know that if you finished getting a degree you are at least a little smarter than the average applicant and not a quitter.

  2. Yes, why not? I'm very proud of my associate's degree, and I have used it on every job app. I've filled out. It is a degree just the same.

  3. Absolutely. This will show your prospective employer that you have the drive to finish what you start.

  4. I would say yes. It's always best for someone to know that you have education. This shows that you have continued your education and are responsible.

  5. Yes you can, it's part of your education. And there's nothing wrong with it.  

  6. Yes, always put all your formal education on your resume- no matter what job. It may open up alot more opportunities for you (even those that you know nothing about right now)

  7. Yes, it shows that you *can* be taught.  Employers like seeing that their prospective employees want to better themselves.

  8. Why wouldn't you? That's something to be proud of that you accomplished. Who knows, they may even offer you a higher postion in management or something.

  9. put everything that goes in your favour on an application for a job, even if it isnt neccessarily relevant to what youre applying for. if youve got all the rest as good as another applicant, but you have gcses and a levels, but another applicant has gcses, a levels AND a degree but you didnt write it down, theyre more likely to get the job. put everything

  10. yeah you should ! they will think you are smart maybe they will move you to mangers post  

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