
Should i put straw around my strawberrys?

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someone said i should, why do i have to do that? and what does it do? lol




  1. It keeps the weeds down in between rows.   In the early winter I cover mine with straw till very early spring to protect them during the winter.  The next year I rake/uncover them and use some of the straw in between the rows.  Rotting strawberries has more to do with too much water/dampness than anything to do with the straw.

  2. Here in Minnesota we put straw over the strawberries in the winter to protect them from the cold, then remove it in the spring.  You can also place it around the plants to act as a mulch to keep the moisture in and weeds under control.  It also can help keep the berries up off the ground and dry so they don't rot.  I have had a bad experience with straw though....I think it brought in a mold that actually causes my berries to turn gray and fuzzy;ruining them.  I have not been able to get rid if it over the years, and I am going to be moving my patch. I think it happened when I left the straw from the winter on the ground instead of removing it completely and it was wet and rotting.  Anyway, that is my opinion.  

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