
Should i quit softball?

by  |  earlier

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Softball is my favorite sport, and im really good at it. i go to hang out and have fun with my friends. Its my coach. He is really mean and has a small anger issue. He forces me to sit in the dougout every other inning, and during that time he lectures me about how i dont play, and how im not worth having on the team. if he didnt force me to sit in the dougout, id be playing!!! But if i didnt play i would never be able to have fun with my friends, cuz im so busy. please help. thanks in advance.




  1. wants some cheese with that whine?????

    why are you playing? that should be all thatr matters, tell the coach to p**s off........

  2. As a high school softball coach, my advice to you would be to arrange a meeting with your coach.  Talk to him about your concerns.  If that does not work, arrange a meeting with your coach, parents and athletic director.

  3. i think you should talk to him, maybe even with your parents, and tell him how you feel about the way he treats you. that might help.

    good luck. and dont stop doing somehting you love because of your mean coach :P hope this helepd gurllll!

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