
Should i quit swimming?

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I've been a swimmer forever and im almost done high school (2 years left). Next year, my team is changing a lot with new coaches and everything. I was put in a slow group with much younger kids and not my friends. My friends are all in the top group... i feel that i deserve to be in the top group with them and not slow kids who are 4 years younger than me! Its a really hard decision because swimming is my life but im not going to enjoy swimming in that group. Please help me...What should i do?




  1. If you really love swimming don't quit. Talk to your coaches say you would like to move up to a higher group. Ask them why they put you in a lower group and what you can do to fix it. If your fast maybe there are problems with your technique that could be fixed. Just keep working hard.

  2. well if you want to go to college for it or make a carreer out of it then dont quit, if you dont love it completely you should quit =)

  3. hi

    i think u shouldnt quit. i think u should talk to the coach about this and see what he says. go to a lot of meets and prove it that u can be good and r really good and can be placed in a higher group.

    u have to really work hard and go to all the practices and push urself hard everytime.

  4. You should complain your coaches why did they place you with kids.They may be explain you the reason but if you don't satisfy their reason, you should ask for changing team or you should quit the team.

  5. If you've swam forever don't let a small problem affect you. Unfortunately you may have to deal with the younger kids for half of the season, and if your team is anything like mine, (I'm assuming your on a club team), then people are given the opportunity to move up twice a year. If you work hard and prove to your coaches that you don't belong on the level you're on, then maybe they'll move you up.

    If you aren't going to have fun socializing with the people in your group, don't worry about it. If you don't think you belong there have fun seeing how much you can beat them. Prove to your coaches you belong in the upper level and eventually you will be with your friends. Stick it out. You'll regret it if you quit!

  6. The decision does not lie in this forum, it is within you.  

    Don't you wonder why you're in a lower level group?  Are you fast enough to not be a problem swimming with the upper level group?

    OH, and if you have 2 years of high school remaining, does that mean you are almost done WITH high school?  Did you read what you wrote?  And, since high school is only 4 years in total, and you have 2 years remaining, how can the people in the group you're in be 4 years younger?  Did you fail two years of school earlier in your school career?

    You may feel you DESERVE to be in the top group but, there is a reason why your new coaches think differently and you don't know why.  If you are slow, then you don't deserve to be in the fast group.  

    You need to find out the reasons for where your coaches placed you.  THEN make a decision ... OH, and see if you can improve your writing skills, too.

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