
Should i quit workers compensation? please i need help!!?

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I had an accident in wich i lost a hand. Now everyboy is blamming me. they said that i was under the machine. i work for Kraft, Nabisco. I wasn`t trained on that machine. I`m a line attendant. The supervisor told me to help my co worker whenever she needed help. I did, the union supervisor did see me under the machine cutting the dough. if he knew that i wasn`t suppossed to be under the machine, why he let me? they never explained the precautions with that machine. I have a lawyer and i dont feel hes doing something for me. I know i`m entitled to some money from different insurances and the company. Kraft is a big company and i know that us ( emplyees) have an insurance wich we dont have to pay for it.. Whats the name of that insurance? Nobody wants to give me answers. the lawyer keeps on telling me not to talk to Osha. i can`t sue nabisco unless i quit, i havent receive any money from insurance. nothing. I lost a hand. and i i know i would never get it back after 41 yrs with it.




  1. I think you should decide on your own but if you are asking me yes id quit

  2. Accidental death and dismemberment insurance?

    What is your lawyer supposed to be doing for you? Maybe you should see if you can get a consultation with a different lawyer who specializes in this type of thing. Either way, your lawyer should be willing to talk to you and make sure that you are informed about what is going on and what is in your best interest.

  3. First of all, Stop and close your eyes and breathe for a second.... You are stressing like crazy..... And understandably so. I think OSHA is trying to figure out if Kraft/Nabisco did anything wrong in their workplace, they probably have to go to Kraft and inspect the place. And they want to talk to you because you are the person that got injured. OSHA stands for Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Since you have hired an attorney, your case is going to take longer to settle. I can't tell you why, it just is.... Once the lawyers get involved, there's 50 times more paperwork. You can't quit workers comp. there's no such thing. if you quit your job, you were still an employee when you got injured, Workers Comp will still have to settle the case eventually. It will probably be a year before you get anything from Workers Comp. but they will pay your medical bills. They will also pay your Pharmacy bills. Let me just tell you, too. Insurance companies have a scale for body parts, a finger is not "worth" as much as a hand. They also pay more for a man, than a child. It's stupid, I know..... You are going to have to be patient, be thankful you have a job to still go to. I would continue working there, it may be difficult for you to find another job with the economy the way it is. If you quit work and sue them, there is no guarantee that you'll receive a larger settlement in the end. To be honest with you, the lawyer is your problem. You didn't say how long ago it was that you were injured, but once the lawyers are involved, insurance companies have to dot every I and cross every T. I've seen it happen, two employees get injured, one gets a lawyer and the other one doesn't, the one who didn't get the lawyer has payment in hand in 2 months, the one who did get an attorney, has to wait a year before they get anything..... I would call the attorney and tell him to contact OSHA, or ask him is it OK for you to call them, and what topics should and shouldn't be discussed with them.

  4. woah get an opinion from another lawyer. why does'nt he want you to call osha? well i'm glad you got the bionic hand & i feel for you.

  5. If you lost a hand, how are you typing???

  6. hello Honey, Sorry about your accident. I don't know where are you but there is this lawyer in TEXAS , that is all they do, injuries at work and stuff. Call them, if you are not in Texas at least they can recommend someone. Good Luck!.


    For SAM, Is there any way you can feel Sympathy for someone in need for one second? The lady mentioned she lost a hand, no both hands, I do have 2 hands I only use one hand to type. To be more compassionate won't hurt you.

  7. No don't quit it worker's comp.

    It sounds like you should consult another attorney too.

    But don't quit worker's comp if your injuries prevent you from doing your job!!!

  8. Your lawyer probably knows more details than perfect strangers on the internet.  I would listen to him or her.

    You should also know that you can sue without quitting or being fired.  You may be pressured to quit, but then you could get a settlement for wrongful termination.  Ask your lawyer about this.

  9. First of all, OSHA should have already been notified about this accident and should have interviewed you already. I don't understand why your lawyer is telling you something that is clearly illegal. OSHA must be notified.

    Check your disability insurance - you probably signed up for it when you started work there. Get in touch with HR.

    Get another lawyer.

  10. It is too late to "quit" workers compensation.  You have had a major injury.  If your case is not closed then you will only get compensation if you are missing time from work.  If you are still working, then you would only get your medical bills paid.  When you are stationary for your injury, in other words, you are as good as you are going to get, then you will get a settlement.  Even if you quit Nabisco, you cannot sue them.  If you quit Nabisco, that will looked on as a voluntary resignation, and no compensation money will be paid for light duty because you voluntarily quit.  I would talk to other lawyers if you are not happy with your current attorney.  Work comp is a no fault system that pays for injuries without placing blame.  You also sound like you could use some counseling or therapy.  You did suffer a major injury and it is not an easy thing to just get over it.  If your attorney is not answering your questions or brushing you off, then I would consider changing attorneys.  I am sorry to hear of your injury, I hope things do work out for you in the future.  I am a work comp adjuster and have been for 18 years.

    Aaron is incorrect, you cannot sue your employer for on the job injuries unless there is extreme negligence and it is very difficult to prove this in the courts

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