
Should i re-attend the church?

by  |  earlier

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i went to the church for 2 years and was very dedicated. i got sick (had seizure) during the service and the nurse walked me out the sanctuary (sat me down) and kept going. the second time i got sick (had seizure) i had let someone know i wasn't feeling good so they called paramedics. when paramedics got there i had the seizure and was bout back to myself and i told them i didn't want/need to go to a hospital. then the nurse came and walked me out of the sanctuary (sat me down) and told me i need to go home and i don't need to be there anymore.

there has been a couple of times where it seem like GOD was talking to me telling me to go there but at the same time i'm sick and i don't want to be thrown to the side again.




  1. If you really want to attend church, I would find another one that cares about its parishioners. Sounds as if that particular one does not.  

  2. Why not try a church that OBEY God ?



  3. Pray to Jesus and tell Him exactly how you feel.

    And then just be quiet in prayer

    God will work it out.

    Someway somehow He will.

    The most important thing you can do is ask Jesus to help you

    Jesus loves you,He knows what you are going through

    Tell Him that I love You Jesus and I need You

    Jesus wants your companionship

    And just like us Jesus wants to be needed and loved

    I feel a burden on my heart to pray for you right now

    I am going to stop what i am doing and pray to Jesus for you hun

    Guess what You helped me.I prayed to Jesus for you and Jesus gave me an answer that i needed

    This may help you too.

    He said 7 days at 7 O Clock

  4. Seems like a bad idea -- even if church attendance did anything useful, which it doesn't.

  5. Maybe you should worship God, but not go to church.

    Convert to Buddhism, maybe?

  6. I have heart problems.  For no reason, my heart will start doing triple beats and it feels like my heart is going to take off right out of my chest!  Now I know it is not going anywhere, but it still bugs me.

    I have medication for it and I don't take it.  I have this theory; what if I started to rely on these pills and have one of these attacks?  And I don't have them with me!  I will panic and think I'ma gonner!

    I have been able to get them to subside, for the most part.  If I can't get them to go away by relaxing and breathing deeply, then I just go to sleep.  If I don't wake up, oh well!  But I refuse to give in to them or take medicine that will make me feel desperate without it.

    I guess what I am trying to say is; life is what you make it.  If you don't fuel the fire, it will eventually go out.  

    No matter where you are or what you are doing, if you don't give into it, it will stop bugging you.

    Maybe you need to take the medication for your seizures, but don't give into the problem.  Don't let it get the best of you!  You can control this.

  7. you should stay out of church.

    maybe you could get a job making milk shakes.

  8. Only you know what's best for you.

  9. I'd find another place to worship.

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