
Should i really be worried when...?

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My 2 year old has had a runny nose (greenish color) for a few days now. I took him to the doctor yesterday and he said his lungs, ears, and throat were all fine. Well, last night he was wheezing while he was sleeping and right now he's wheezing and he seems to have shortness of breath. Even when he's just talking to me it seems he can't catch is breath. But, he's also playing and doesn't seem sick at all. He's not running a temp either. So should i take him into the ER to be checked or just wait until i can get him in to see his doctor??




  1. Your son sounds a lot like my kids when they are having an asthma attack. I would at least take him in on Monday and mention the wheezing. A breathing machine will help a lot, and it's very relieving to have one.

  2. Well, you just took him yesterday to the Dr.  Did he have all of these symptoms then?  If so, then ride it out.  My Dr says to wait at least 3 days to come back if the symptoms havent improved.  Usually green snot means infection but your Dr knows this... so I'm not sure why antibiotics werent given then.  Maybe put in a call to the on call Dr and see what they say.  For wheezing.... here are a few tips coming from a mom with children with asthma.... Take him in the bathroom, close the door, and turn the shower on full force HOT... let him breathe in the steam while you pat his back hard.. this will help loosen up the mucus..  Also, keep him COOL.  If its chilly at night where you live, take him out in the cool ait.. it will help him breathe better.

    Of course, you wont rest if you are worried so follow your heart.  Do what you think is best!

  3. Asthma or allergies.  I'd call the doc on Monday and book an appointment

  4. wheezing is definately something they need to go to the ER for. i had to take my son a few times and they gave him breathing treatments. hes only 16 they eventually gave me a nebulizer and inhaler to keep at home

  5. The green snot is usually sinus infection. He may be so congested that its hard for him to breathe. I would try Vic's vapor rub at night. Make sure you put loose clothing on him though and wash it off in the morning. Then take him to the dr. as soon as you can monday. Allergies is yellow or clear snot. I know cause my girls all have allergies and asthma. Also, check for blue lips or finger nails. If they're blue go straight to the ER. Hes not getting enough oxygen. Good Luck!!

  6. Take him to the doctor as soon as possible, green snot is a sign of infection.  

  7. well i bliv u should take him to the doctor ..if every thing is ok then what is the problem?

  8. He could have asthma or allergies.  Maybe you could try some Benadryl (1tsp of childrens formula) Keep an eye on the wheezing.  If it appears that his breathing is labored too much, you should at least call the doctor.  

  9. He probably has allergies. The same thing happens to me and my cousins when the allergies hit us bad. I would set up an appointment with a doctor (Not the ER) to get him tested for weed, grass, pollen and mold.

  10. ive always heard that green and yellow mean infection, i have 3 kids and ive taken them to the dr one day and they were fine and the next day carried them back and there be infections... sounds to me ur child could have a touch of asthma or allergies witch can induce asthma, do u have a nebulizer? if so use it, if not i would definitely ask the doctor for a prescription to get one, it will help with the wheezing and the runny nose!!  if your child stats having a harder time to breath or blueish color around his lips, get to the ER immediately!!  they probably give him a nebalizer treatment there, best of luck to you and i hope he feels better soon!

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