
Should i really lose my virginity now?(On behalf of my friend derrick.he doesent have a PC)?

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Well I'm 19 and havent done it yet.

One reason cause I'm indian,another cause i used to be extremely obese

But now i lost like 60 pounds(hardcore exercise) and am quite good lookin(irresistible).I obviously wanna do it but i dot see why now.Maybe its cause of all those d**n americans who do it before they can even start driving(no offense).is 19 too late or too early

Any stupid answers and ull all GO TO h**l!!




  1. NO I WONT GO TO h**l!....i have a restraining order...

  2. s*x s*x s*x s*x s*x

  3. Whenever you're ready.

    Cockiness doesn't help [irresistible?]

  4. hey gimme tips on hw u changed ur look. im 16 and ive got a pot belly and male b***s.. how did u achieve ur irresistible look.. thx

    imho, dont waste time on s*x rite now..

  5. Have s*x when your ready. No pressure.

  6. You should have s*x when you're ready.  Don't do it just because others are.

  7. Its NEVER! to late. But do what you think feels best.  i dont think its to early. You are considered an adult and as an adult you are capable of making your own desicions.  

  8. Keep your self for that special lady its worth it especially for spiritual reasons

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