
Should i really see my psychiatrist?

by Guest61419  |  earlier

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if i have this problem?

dependent personality disorder?

i have it really i have hardcore anxiety attacks

most of it happens while in a relationship

but, still i have all the symptoms

i just dont think my mom will take me :/




  1. U better stay on your meds too. Don't be ashamed of having a metal illness. There are tons of people walking around in the world with heart disease, diabetes, and gout. You don't see them trying to avoid their medication and treatment.

    So, you have an illness that is not physical it's mental,, you still need the treatment. don't short change yourself.. Get the help you so desperately need!


  2. Be very careful about self-diagnosing.  That being said, if you are concerned about it, by all means seek professional help and guidance.  I deduce from your remark about your mom that you are probably a minor, and I'm not quite certain why you think she wouldn't take you.  If you're not comfortable discussing it with her first, you might want to talk to a counselor or the nurse at your school first and perhaps they can help you talk about it with your mom.

  3. i think you really need to get better or else youll lose the people you love and care about.and plus it'll make you better. i hope you do go see one [:

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