
Should i really wait till im 18?

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i really wanna have s*x but im only 15 ive been with him for a year already nd im tired of waiting should i really wait till im 18???




  1. Yes, you should. Believe you SHOULD wait till you're 18.

  2. Yea, u should definitely wait..when ur 18 u'll be able to make a more mature decision and less likely to regret ur choice.

  3. no, its your choice of having s*x, its your body you can have s*x if you please, no one should keep another human form doing what humans do. i have had s*x before, and im proud of myself, cause i made my choice of having s*x. now im not a virgin and proud

  4. You should wait until you're married, actually.  But thats just my opinion.  I've been with my boyfriend for a year and a half.  I'm nearly 17.  I love him so much that I'm waiting BECAUSE I love him.

  5. you should wait.

    s*x isn't important in a relationship anyways. especially if your 15. you can have a chance of being pregnant and even worst getting an STD.

  6. Yes you should wait till you are 18 it is best for both of you.

    Can anyone answer my question about my gf? Please?

  7. why the h**l are your parents letting you date at 14 and 15? thats poor parenting, and people wonder why girls have kids that young, its partly the parents.

  8. wait until u think ur ready and mature enuff

  9. Nah.. i was 15 when i lost mine =)

    it was about a month ago now.

    Best night of my life.

    But if you're having all kinds of second thoughts about it, then maybe you should wait.

  10. 15 is a young age to begin having s*x. Some times its better NOT to have s*x in some relationships. It makes your bond stronger. When you turn 18, if you 2 are still together, the s*x will be more important than it will be if you do it now.

    And what do your parents think about this? Are you going to tell them? If you do choose to have s*x now, get on birth control pills. Do  not   take   any   chances!!

  11. Sigh...You say you want s*x...ah, what a normal kid you are.  But you need to be on birthcontrol long before you do and you need to know that 'just wanting s*x' usually is very disappointing.  It hurts for one thing, It is over very fast, nothing big happens, the world doesn't move or anything and most often afterwards the guy dumps you.  You are another notch on his belt and that is all.

    Take some time and wait for finding your 'special guy' who cherishes you, is patient, gentle and understands 'go slow'  or even 'stop'.  

    Making LOVE is so much more fullfilling than 'intercourse' with a guy you might like a little but aren't ever gonna be in passionate love with.  

    It is MORE than just the s*x act.

    Most girls who lost their virginity early end up disappointed, few will admit it, but most do not continue to have s*x because they don't get what the big deal is.  There is a big difference between coming and reaching a climax.  Coming you can do with your own fingers, a climax is a whole body experience and you do become ONE.  

    I'd wait.

  12. No you shouldn't if you don't want. I know many people that have lost it beyond your age.

  13. 15 is WAY too Young!!!!  You are most likely not going to wind up with this guy anyways so waiting until your 18 OR older is a very wise decision....  If he truly loves you than he won't mind the wait!!!!

  14. The decision is really up to you.

    Are your emotionally ready?

    Are you going to have safe s*x?

    Do you know what you'd do in the event of an unexpected pregnancy?

    Is he ready?

    Do you totally and completely trust him?

    How are you going to feel if the two of you break up?

    If you know your ready that go ahead, but if you have any doubt what so ever, then don't. You and him are the only people that can make this decission.

  15. if you need to ask other people if you're ready then you're not ready.

  16. Ok I Understand You Wouldnt Want Advice From An Adult & You Probably Know Im Gonna Say Wait. Until Your Emotionally Ready.

  17. if you can,yes it would be better,you would have a better experience and be able to appreciate and understand what having s*x with some one you love is all about.

    right now its just hormones raging and do note that he will eb arrested for STATUTORY RAPE if he attempts to have s*x with you before you are 16.

    just wait a while and enjoy your youth.

    having s*x comes along with a lot of ramifications..unwanted pregnancies,sexually transmitted diseases and other things which you od not need the complication of right now.

    enjoy your youth and have fun..

    good luck


    if he loves you he will wait even if it takes 10 years  for you to be ready.

  18. i'm 17 and i've waited so far. its your own body and you are the only one who can decide if you're ready to give up the one true thing that's yours. if you believe you're ready to handle the hardships and troubles s*x brings then be safe and have fun, but if you are not ready for that then wait until you can handle everything that comes with it.

  19. You know what as soon as ready to pay ALOT of cash for that baby that will be inside you and there is enough love and you can give what that baby has a right to which is 2 parent in a life long commitment (marriage then sure have s*x)

  20. You should wait until you're above the age of consent, whatever that may be in your state or country, so neither of you gets into legal trouble.

  21. why do u think you have to wait till your 18?

    ALWAYS wear a condom =] and dont let him try and tell you otherwise

  22. Wait until you have your education and a stable life.. s*x leads to life changing moments.

  23. it is your choice entirely, but waiting IS best. i really cant talk much, i lost mine at 14. same situation-id been with him for a year, he was my b/f and best friend! and i trusted him completely and had known him for years. but thats the kind of level we were on, that comfortable level. of course, the main worry-pregnancy. and as im sure you know, 1st time HURTS! and you'll bleed. would you be comfortable with that sort of thing around him? jsut think about all those little things and decide how much your willing to do around/with him. and please remember a condom if you do! "if you could not strip off your clothes in broad daylight and do jumping jacks infront of each other" you are not comfortabel enought to have s*x. thats what m grandma always said...


  24. you should wait until you're ready...what's going to be the difference between you being 15 or 18?? when you're 18 are you going to have a steady well-paying job and a house in case you get pregnant??? it's all about being safe and using protection, being prepared in case you catch something or get pregnant....

    thats my opinion

  25. Trust me, a year is not enough, I've been with this guy for four years and we're both old enough but figured we should wait. not to mention, what will you do if you get pregnant?

  26. i dont want to lose my virginity untill im 16 at least. if you cant wait to 18 at least wait untill 16 or 17. but its your choice, if you think your ready then go for it. JUST MAKE SURE U USE A CONDOM.... PLEEASSE!!!!!

  27. at the age of 15 you are under the age of consent in every US state, and most European countries. also, unless you are prepared to risk consequences -pregnancy, STDs- you need to wait until you are in a steady, strong relationship. Also, depending on how old the guy is he could me convicted of statutory rape, if any one found out you had s*x.

  28. You should do it whenever you feel ready to, my first time was when I was 16 and I wish I waited.  If I were you I would wait until I was at least 16, but it totally up to you.  If you feel ready now then by all means go for it, and it is good that you have been with him for a year already.  Just make sure that you use protection and if a situation does arrise where you do become pregnant or contract an STD you need to be able to handle the consiquences of your actions, that is why it is always better to wait until you are older.  Good luck!

  29. You'll be much more satisfied with your decision if you waited.  And it's going to change your relationship.

  30. yeah you better wait till you turn 18!!

    trust me!!

  31. I am not telling you to go have s*x but wait until your 18? You should wait until you feel you are old enough and responsible enough to take care of yourself and protect yourself and are in love. 18 is only a number, it is really dumb to say you are going to wait until 18. If you are going to wait then wait for a different reason like marriage, or old enough to take care of a child incase you get pregnant something like that. I lost my virginity at 14 and even though I was young I was responsible. Now, I wish I would have waited until I met my soon to be husband so that it was something special just between us. It all really depends on you.

    In either case, you have been with him for a year and it is sometimes hard to wait so if you choose not to...

    1. Go to planned parenthood and get birth control it i only $8

    2. Have your boyfriend go with you and get a std check unless he is a virgin too

    3. And still use a condom even though you are on birth control take is from someone who knows being pregnant when you are not ready is the hardest thing you'll ever go through in life no matter what you choose to do and just be really careful. If you need any other advice you can email me

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