
Should i regret a memory?

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should I regret when memories pass by

each one only bringing a tear to my eye

then drips down my face, just to run dry

as the tear was a thought of a love that’s gone by

or should I regret never witnessing or just saying a goodbye




  1. It wont hurt if you do but what you should do is learn from it that is the true value of our memory.

  2. that is so cute did u make that up yourself or what but if u did that was a sweet poem what did a girl break up with u or sutin  

  3. No regrets.

    Cherish memories.  Learn from experience.  But no regrets.

  4. Clever, you wrote that ? is this just one paragraph or is there more, you should write down your poems and publish them, if this is an example, it's good and you've got a talent, don't waste it.

    Caramac x

  5. No stay in the present, let your memory come and then watch it go, move on.

    There is no tomorrow or yesterday, there is only the rich worship of today.

    Its good to have an end to the journey towards, but it is the journey that matters in the end.

    The past is dead, the future is imaginary, and happiness can only be in the eternal now moment.

    Why destroy your present happiness by a distant misery, which may never come at all.

    The only way to deal with the future is to function in the now.

    Everything that you need exists in this present moment, and this moment is all that exists.

    Desire wants what it does not have.  Freedom is the uncovering of what has always been there.

    What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.

    There is only this.

    Becoming does not contain being.

    Experience is a barrier to the state of experiencing.  Experience must cease for experiencing to be.

    To be certain of the future is to be in illusion.

    The desire for repetition arises only when there is no Joy today, when today is empty, we look to the past or the future.

    If you do not change now, you will never change, because the change that takes place tomorrow is merely a modification, it is not transformation.

    The now is the silence of yesterday.

    There is only ‘what is’ not ‘what should be’ so if one realises that ‘what is’ is a reality and not ‘what should be’ then you can dispense with ‘what should be’.  Then there is no duality.  Do you see this?

    There is only the ending of something, not becoming something.

    Eternity is nothing more than the moment fully experienced.

    The past is a corpse; don’t go through life carrying a casket on your back.

    A living thing cannot be examined, only that which is dead can be examined.

    Tomorrow only exists when I want to be something I’m not.  

    The past is like a shadow, making things dull and weary, in that shadow, the present looses its clarity, its freshness, and tomorrow is the continuation of the shadow.

    The desire for repetition arises only when there is no joy today, when today is empty, we look at the past or to the future.

    Can the mind look with an eye that is never tainted by the past.

    When you are trying to become, in various directions, then you are denying being.

  6. Let the memories pass in a moment and recall the joy you experienced with a smile. You have been blessed to have a memories you can recall. Now blink the tear away and anticipate the beauty of life you will see tomorrow.

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