
Should i replace a Mary memento of my mothers with a copy in order to avoid hurting her?

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My mother has had a ceramic Mary ever since she was a little girl. (about 50 years) There was a time before when my children almost broke it and she expressed how upset she would be if something ever happened to it. She kept it on her dresser with a LOT of other mess so that when my children bumped an item on the other end of the furniture, it caused a chain reaction -knocking the Mary statue to the floor and shattering it. I know my mother is going to be practically devastated even though it is just a statue. Should i openly admit to her what happened or should i replace the statue with an impostor? I'm the world's worst liar and i feel like it'll probably eat me up inside anyway, but i wonder if it's worth it just to avoid hurting her feelings? Should i swallow the guilt to avoid hurting her or just fess up and hope she won't be too upset by it? what would you do? Is there a difference between what the right thing to do is and what you would actually do in real life?




  1. There will be no getting around the fact that she is going to be extremely hurt.Yes it is just a statue to you but to her it meant allot more then that and for that you should have kept you're children far away from it.You can't replace it or even try to it will add insult to injury try and just tell her the truth that is all i would want if one of my grandchildren broke something i have had for ever and trust me that is allot.Not quit fifty years but long enough.Honesty is always the best policy in life i have tough  my children and now teaching it to my granbabies.Don't avoid her for it will hurt her as much as the mary...We were raised in a different era then you and we do prefer honesty to cover ups and lies.As you well know.good luck and god bless.She should understand it was an accident and she will be upset but she wont disown you....  

  2. If you can find an identical statue then just replace it.  If you are feeling guilty tell her what happened and still buy her a new one.  Tell her to put it on a high shelf where the kids will not bump into it.  Personally I would just replace it and tell the kids not to say anything,  you know she will be upset and hurt that it was broken.

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