
Should i replace liquid in the rearend i got from junk yard before i install?

by  |  earlier

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im replacing a rearend in my bronco and i got a new one from a junk yard. im sure it has gear oil in it, should i just trash whats in there and start fresh? is it fine just to use the old stuff?




  1. I say change it anyway. There's no way to be sure how old that gear oil is. Two quarts of gear oil should cost about $10-$15, and it's easy to do. Better safe than sorry!  

  2. By all means, change the oil. It's cheap insurance that there is no water inside. Be sure to check if it is a posi unit, because most of them take an additive for antifoaming. Also, gives you a chance to see if it has any damage to other parts, hopefully not.

  3. I would look to see that it's full and then install it and see if it works and if it does then change the oil.

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