
Should i reply back to this stranger?

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I got an email from an anonymous person whom i don't know and he said that I'm going to h**l because I'm agnostic-atheist?!

I'm like so shock. i dont know how he got my email in th first place...

h was saying all kinds of weird sh*t like "praise the lord Jesus and for those who do praise him shall live a good eternal life and be sent to heaven and those who dont believe in this lord savorier shall burn in the deep pits of h**l and that means you too"

its really creepy...and it made me mad too that i just want to gve this guy a piece fo my mind but i know it isnt worth it cause i dont know him in the first place, but grr!

maybe he has one of those tracking device thingies? i dunno




  1. I would just leave it alone and spam it. These kinds of people are just looking for a hostile response back so they can preach more stuff to you. You can either respond by saying "Your word of God has touched me that I'm giving my life to Jesus Christ" and maybe they will leave you alone or like I said before spam it.  

  2. call them a stalker for finding ur email!

  3. No way, just delete the email.

  4. Just forget about those emails. Block them, spam them, or do something like that.

    If they keep repeatedly bothering you, then you can do something else about it.

    But otherwise, they're not worth anything to think about.

    Hope this answers.

  5. If you respond you will be encouraging more emails from this person. The best thing to do is to ignore the person or block him. Nothing else will work. People who send unsolicited, personal, attacking emails usually aren't inclined to be reasonable or politically correct. They also aren't rocket scientists.Believe me. I've been there.

  6. ah well Sophia  from what i can gather from your little profile is that your pretty young    but i also saw that you allow email  well there ya go  thats how    now as what to do   to self righteous jerks   well  depends ya could respond back with your reasoning   (probably useless)  or just ignore the god only my way or no way jerk  or  just start sending him strange  emails asking absurd questions   now the supposed adult thing to do is just  delete his email  and realize that you made someone angry enough to try and "save you"  and be satisfied with that

  7. NO!!!! he might be a creep, a stalker, or a weirdo!!!!!!

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