
Should i report my friend to a school counselor or something?!

by  |  earlier

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He's picked on a lot and lately we've kinda become buddies, but the other day idk if he's just acting or what but he joined some local gang. He's been acting really weird. kinda crazy. idk why?! The other day he saw Dark Knight in the theater, and told me on how much Joker's stories or whatever reminded him of his own life. It scared the h**l outta me. Now he's saying he wants to KILL everyone who made fun of him. and idk if him bein in the gang will give him the ways to or sunthin. HELP!




  1. talk to him! (don't tell him you're worried or he'll get defensive & not trust you).

    tell him about someone picking on you & how you pity that person. TELL HIM YOU THINK IT'S SAD THAT SOME PEOPLE ARE SO INSECURE, PATHETIC, & WEAK THEY HAVE TO PICK ON OTHERS TO FEEL GOOD ABOUT THEMSELVES. (this actually is true... people put others down to build themselves up in their own mind.)

    SAY THAT YOU'RE GRATEFUL YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE A JERK TO FEEL CONFIDENT ABOUT YOURSELF like those pathetic people. Shake your head & comment on how sad those people are. Say, "I can't even be mean back cuz I feel so bad for them, they're just so pitiful. I just wait it out & say, 'r u done now? really man, I want you to get it all out. anything else? You sure? ok. . .' I laugh at them cuz I don't care. They don't have s**+* to say to that. F* letting them think they're better than you by getting a rise out of you, show 'em what's up. Honestly, what can he say? Insult you some more? he'll look like a loser! Keep asking if he;s finished & said everything.

    *If you laugh at them, everyone else will to.

    At the same time you're not being a jerk so there's nothing he can say. Everyone will agree you're in the right. Anything else he says will make him look worse to everyone around. Honestly, getting hurt/mad is what 'bullies' want to happen, it's what makes them feel good & pumps them up, making them keep going. Not caring makes them realize you really don't care about what they say at all cuz you know they're pathetic & beneath you. Don't let them get what they want, F* that. Make them feel low. Make people laugh at them.

    Tell your friend, "It's fun chilling with you cuz you're confident about yourself, you know? You don't have to be a jerk & make people feel low to feel better about yourself like those losers. you're already confident & know you're cool." (say in own words). . .

    Tell him how you were laughing at the guy in your head the whole time he picked on you & you just wanted to pat him on the head & say, 'awww, I hope this makes you feel better about yourself,' like he was a little kid cuz that's how he's acting.

    If you really make yourself think he's small in your mind, you'll treat him like that & won't care about what he says. Really pity him the whole entire time & laugh at how ridiculous he looks. (even if you don't believe it at first).

    When you over hear someone being a jerk when you're with your bud, point it out to your friend & joke about it. Shake your head, smirk, & say, 'how pathetic. .'




    KEEP TELLING HIM HOW HE'S BETTER, & you'r glad he's doesn't stoop to that level.

    if he thinks they're pathetic he won't feel angry. You need to change the way he thinks!!!

    If you can't change this, say something to someone. You don't want anything on YOUr conscious.

    If he mentions gangs, tell him that he's too good for that & doesn't need them to be strong. It's better to do your own thing/be independent than following orders from someone. A gangs like a manly family, but with a crazy gang leader instead of a mom, & instead of doing dishes your chores are to do his dirty work. F that, he's better than that. Tell him he's a leader, not a follower.

    I grew up insecure & this mindset really helped me. He just wants to feel tough & prove those people wrong. If he pities them & feels bad for them he'll learn that he's better than them (which is true). He won't get hurt from them & won't have to turn to anger.

  2. you should tell him to get out of the gang cuz it will mess his life up and if he trys to leave later the people in the gang could try and kill him. And yeah.. talk to him before you tell a counselor cuz he might do something to you. You should tell him about Jesus.. well idk if you're religous but yeah.

  3. maybe you should try talking to him first before telling a counselor.

    they usualy make things worse. lol

  4. I would try talking to him first... ask his if he is serious! If he is or even says he is, talk to someone about it. Things like that can't be taken lightly.  

  5. Just don't spend as much time with him. If hes a teenager or pre-teen then chances are this is a stage hes going through. Kids tend to be melodramatic but don't generally act on it.

    But for your own peace of mind, tell him how your feeling about him. Make sure he knows hes making you uncomfortable. If he doesn't listen, then try and spend less time with him. Dont lose contact completely, but form some distance.

  6. When I read this I thought ur friend had a problem with bullies, but if he's the kind of person who gets bullied then I wouldn't worry much, he's probably acting.

    But only you know him better, so you only can determine his seriousness about this Gang...(?) As for the batman movie, I'd guess your friend liked it :P i don't think he's gonna kill anybody.

    For instance, someone at work (where I work) said to me the other day that if he finds the person who keeps nicking(taking) his glass to make frappe he'll kill them, but I don't think he was being serious.

    But you never know! Better talk to him about it :)

    Or better yet, ask him indirect questions, which will give you an answer about his behavior.

  7. may be ur fnd doesnt like people making fun of him,and if they do he feels inferior.tell him about his good qualities,and make him realize that those jokes on him are not to hurt him but actually they are just to make him smile and it is because everyone likes him that they joke with him and because they want to be his friends.make him realize that he is good and being with bad people does not suit his personality.It will help.i tell u more of it soon

  8. I was gonna say mind your business and be a good friend and just talk to him, but if he is saying he wants to kill fellow kids then I would just tell.. don't take any chances he sounds like a freak anyways.

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