
Should i save my small stash of money for gas or join the YMCA. If i join, Id only have a little bit of $ left

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My boyfriend told me I should start going to the gym...I'm not over weight so its not extremely necessary. I do not get paid again til the 1st and I dont have too much money left. If I did join the YMCA it would leave me with a tiny bit of gas money and hardly any to go out. I feel like if I do not join the YMCA (which I've been saying I want to do) my boyfriend will think I'm lazy. (He's a big health nut) So I'm really not sure what to do. I kept telling him I was going to use my money from this paycheck I just recieved to join, but it all goes on gas and yesterday I did a little shopping, which left me with what I have now.

What to do?!




  1. Joini the YMCA.  It will do more good for you in the long run.

  2. I would save the money for gas and stuff like that.  If he wants you to go to the gym so bad, tell him to pay for it.  He shouldn't be telling you that anyway.

  3. You don't have to join a gym to start exercising.  There are many things you can do for free.  

    There are exercise programs on television.

    You can start walking daily.

    Jump rope.


    Buy a work out DVD and do it daily at home.

    If you join the YMCA you will be bound to the terms for a year.  Which means every month you will have to pay whether you use the gym or not.

    It's not wise to join just because someone else wants you to.  You have to do these kinds of things for yourself or you won't stay motivated.

    It seems you are on a very tight budget.  Be very particular how you spend your money.

    If your boyfriend wants you to join the gym so badly he should pay for it.

  4. Save the gas money!  You can work out on your own, especially if it is not totally necessary.  Go power-walking or jogging for a few miles a day.  Swimming is also really good, but can cost money.  There are lots of ways to work out without spending money on a health club or a gym.

  5. Definately save for gas, and whatever left over put in your savings account for a rainy day. You really don't need a can workout outside or buy some workout tapes. I'd advice you to join the gym only if you can afford to pay for it and still have money left to save, and also if you can stay committed to going to the gym regularly Otherwise it'd be money you will be throwing down the drain.

    How are you going to get to the gym anyways after you use up all your gas money? Challenge your bf to go for a run with you. If he really knows you, he can't write you off as lazy simply because you did not join a gym. There's more to you than that.

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