
Should i say goodbye to highschool friends that i don't talk to anymore...... read more.?

by Guest66830  |  earlier

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ok so me and my group of friends were really close but recently (like 1-3 months or so) we all kept arguing and stopped talking to each other in "groups" -- cause we all started to like each other and it caused problems. anyway we are all moving and going to college this upcoming week/month and i feel like i should i say bye to them?? even though we all hurt each others feelings...i mean should i just let it be..since we all already don't talk?




  1. send a group text to them all but it might be time to move on.

  2. Move on.........

  3. I would just tell them bye and good luck in college. I had a lot of friends in high school and only 3 or 4 out 15 talks to me now. We have moved on, and we all start our own life. If your going to college your make new friends so I wouldnt reall worry about it. Plus if they dont want to have contact with you its their loss not yours. Good Luck.

  4. I think that if you guys were really close, saying bye and good luck would be a nice gesture before you all go to college. It might mend your friendships.

  5. Don't say any good-byes.  Some of you may end up still being friends, the rest will drift away.  No need to make a big thing of it.  It's part of life that people grow in different directions.  

  6. I think you say goodbye.  Even if it is just dropping a note or something.  You never know down the road where your paths might cross again.  After HS I kept in touch with a few of my close girlfriends.  I figured the ones i had not seen or talked to in years were just off in their own and doing their own thing.  At my 10 year reunion we all got back together and realized that we were all living back in town and that it was dumb to not keep the connections going that we had had when we were younger.  Currently we are now all great friends, about 12 of us, and i am friends with some girls that i never though would ever be a part of my life again.  We are an amazing support group for each other, a cheering section for each other, and a much needed break from life for each other.  

    These girls, weather you are currently talking to them or not, were at one point a part of your life.  No need to have a big "make up" or anything, but just wish them luck as you all head off to college.  I bet if one if them did that for you it would put a smile on your face.  Good luck and have fun in college!

  7. Things could get better, just don't give up on them yet :]

  8. Let it go - you're all moving on to bigger and better things. 20 years from now at your reunion - you can go back in time to patch things up - no really - it's not that important in the grand scheme of your life - trust me. But, a e-card might be an appropriate way to say see ya later in a casual kind of way.

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