
Should i see the docter???

by  |  earlier

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I am on my period and went out sat night and eneded up using a tampon but i already had one up there but was so drunk i forgot to take it out but just realised and it been quite far up me for the last 50 hours i no it dangerous so should i see a doctor?!?!?





  1. If its not already out then get it out.

    On boxes of tampons they say one will not get lost inside you, it has nowhere to go so start fishing.

    I once saw a TV doctor say that he had a patient that forgot to remove her last tampon for THREE WEEKS! She is still alive.

    The human body is amazingly  resilient, and not everyone is susceptible to Toxic Shock. But be aware of the symptoms and if you feel unwell, seek medical advice.

    In the meantime I realise that anyone can make a mistake like that and here's to hoping that you will not suffer for it and that you have learned a lesson.

  2. Yes! You need to get it out

  3. go do to doctor stat

  4. wow

  5. WOW but you don't need to see a Doctor unless you are having symptoms of vaginitis or TSS. Read the back of your box it will give you symptoms.

    I am not going to lecture like some people will on here I am sure it is humiliating enough.  

  6. Yeah!  You might get Vaginitis. And that'll hurt.

  7. I think It would be wise to go see your doctor. Don't what damage you would cause otherwise

  8. You need to go to the doctor ASAP. using tampons for long time without changing it can cause septicemia which is blood poisoning. it's not a joke and it can put you in the hospital for day or even kill you.

    make an appointment right away tell them it's urgent  

  9. that is crazy! get to your doctor now, if not your doctor get to A&E.

    this is serious!! you've got something inside you which could cause a LOT of damage.

    and after getting it out - DONT get that drunk when you're on your period again, or you may never have a period again because of the damage

  10. how the h**l did you forget?!

    its kind of hard to fit 2 tampons in :|

    it must've been a struggle when you were drunk getting in the second tampon!!

  11. ya, you probably should just to have them check you out to make sure nothing got damaged.  

  12. YES! You can not only get infection but you could get blood toxication. You need to go to a GYN statttt! Like no kidding! I'm worried for you :[

  13. Yes, and soon as this can lead to toxic shock, blood poisoning and a many other  other problems.

  14. might want to see someone about alcohol counseling.

  15. Hiya

    If you can't get it out you need to see a doctor, or A & E to get it out for you.  Don't  be embarrassed, you wont be the only women who's needed help with this.  I know of at least one other person who forgot to remove a tampon at the end of their period (not me!!!).

    Like lots of people have already said, it can be dangerous so don't leave it.

    If you say you were drinking they may well ask you how much you normally drink etc, to make sure you are not over doing it.  Its because they don't want you to hurt/damage yourself so don't worry about it. x

  16. Yeah definately. Even if you'd had just one tampon in for 50 hours without knowing, then that can be dangerous.

  17. yes i would just for security reasons...

  18. i have been there dont worry,i was being really sick and i wondered what was wrong as soon as i noticed and took it out i was fine again ,im still alive

  19. I would call your doctor immediately and either make an appointment or see what they say. If you haven't gotten it out, find a way to right now. It can be very serious which it tells you in the insert of the box of tampons.

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