
Should i sell my eggs so others can have children? and if so, where is the nearest place in houston tx that i?

by  |  earlier

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can sell them? please help! im broke!




  1. Karen I'm not going to soapbox on the morals of this. I would only say there are better ways to get money without going to this extreme.

    I think you are just selling yourself the idea that your helping other people out because you feel you need money and its a way for you to live with this.

    Certainly you can find a job that can get some of your bills paid. If the creditors are driving you crazy there are organizations out there free that can help you through this.

    I'd like you to do yourself a favor and contact:

    ask for a counselor to talk to about some of your personal problems. Everybody needs someone to talk to sometime.

    What you are wanting to do is at best short term. It's like drinking or getting high. For a while your problems 'appear' to go away but they really don't do they?

  2. for the man above... i didn't know men had eggs,,, i thought they had sperm... learn something new everyday.

    but really... think before you do this, when a man donates his sperm there is  no risk for him... however for women the is a risk that you will not be able to have your own children.  That is why they offer $6000... there is not enough money in the world for me to give up having my own kids.

    There are ads in the paper all the time... look in the Houston Press.  And you don't need a degree, but please look into the risks before you do it.

  3. Try the Houston Yellow Pages

  4. yes you can, look in the phone book, they kinda have strict regulations,,, man who sell must ,,,,believe it or not have to have a bachelors degree,, I know,, it's crazy,,, and your eggs have to be very active.. but the money rocks,, for a man you can get 600-1200 bucks per donation and you can do it every 2 weeks,,, good luck

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