
Should i shave my beard for a job interview?

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i have a job interview and i'm not sure if a beard is an asset or a liability during the hiring process




  1. You should shave.  Especially if it's an inside/office type job.

    At a minimum you should trim it extra short and make sure your face and hair are very well groomed.  Then, once you get comfortable working there and are sure they won't mind, you can grow it back out without having to start from scratch and go through the scruffy phase at first.

  2. NO!! Leave it as is!! Especially if it's a beard like ZZ Top has. Then just braid it and put beads in it..that's very hot. You'll be a sure thing to get hired. Good luck!

  3. yes shave it and have a neet and s**y look . it give a impression

  4. I would trim it fashionable with hair that suits the look

    Guess you make a good impression

    But beards are out.


  5. get rid of it.  clean shaven is the way to go in.

  6. depends on what your beard looks like, but it does look more professional

  7. u dont have to but its possible to get the job if u do shave.

    If u shave it, it makes u look more neater. Neat is good.

    then grow it back when u get the job

  8. NO!!! DON'T SHAVE IT!!!! make sure you have dreads too. this makes you look manly and it proves you can handle any task given. trust me, i'm a CEO of a very prestigious company and i supervise all the hiring.

  9. Sorry to say that most would consider a beard a liability. If nothing else, a beard really will almost never help you. Most people, for some reason, consider a clean-shaving person to be more work orientated, trustful, etc.

  10. It depends on the kind of job. Look at the men in that company. Do you notice anybody with a beard? Is this person in a high position in the company? Are the people in the company well-groomed? Observe and blend in if this job means a lot to you. Seems like your beard means a lot to you or you wouldn't feel so torn up about shaving it off. In this case, look for a job where having a beard is no big deal at all.  

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