
Should i shave my head? (pic included)?

by  |  earlier

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I love my hair and am so vein but i was wondering if you think i should shave my head?

Honest opinions please :)

the answers could be like a poll to decide!




  1. Sure...

    up to u

  2. not bald, but it wouldnt be a bad idea to trim it

  3. Sure,it will grow back before you know it!

  4. omg your hair is just like your avatar's, that's pretty cool [:

    Honestly, I think you should grow it out even more and flair it out, that would totally suit your face.

    I think you would look older if your shaved your head, plus you'll have to go through that awkward growing-it-back-out stage..

    so I wouldn't!

    But it's totally up to you.

    Give it a try if your hair grows fast.

  5. Sure tell them to use a number 3 on the clipppers. You'll look fine and it WILL grow back.

  6. i would grow it out.

  7. ya sure  

  8. You look just like your avatar! Your hair looks horribly lopsided in the pic I'd say yes, you should shave your hair. Thanks for the email, it was funny! I just looked at your pic again, you have really nice eyes! great feature on your face.

  9. yES.

  10. No!! Keep your hair =) its purty

  11. you might as well look good on semi-bald.

    and by the way, your avatar really looks like you.. lolz

  12. slightly

    but not bald

    you would look like an alien

    but no offense;)

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