
Should i spay my 2 year old lab?

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Spay or not spay? I have a 2 year old Choc Lab, who hasn’t yet come on heat, after watching that pedigree show on BBC 1 last night it might have something to do with in breeding? Because she hasn’t come on heat though I can’t work out when the best time to have her done, they say it must be half way between heats but I have no idea. I have asked my vet about it and she says we will just spay her she will be fine but I am not so sure, if that’s the case why do they say to do them half way between heats?




  1. I'm sure its fine. She doesn't need to be half way between heats. Some dogs have their little op at 6 months and never go into heat.  

  2. Follow the advise of your vet.  After all they have the knowledge that we answers people don't have.

  3. If your vet says it is OK,the get her spayed asap.The sooner,the better,as spaying not only prevents pregnancy,but it also prevents false pregnancies,mammary cancer,pyometra ( infecton of the uterus) and cancer of the uterus. So get it done!! You and your dog will be much happier.

  4. The vets that I have talked to have never said anything about half way between heats. Your vet is going to do anything that will endanger your dog. Just trust her and get it done ASAP.

  5. Sometimes b*****s may have a 'silent season' which you may not be aware of. If you are not intending to breed, then its a good idea to have her spayed anyway. If you are going to breed her, then you should have all her health checks done....hips, elbows, eyes. There are a lot of choc labs out there with probs....especially from show lines as they have become short dumpy and fat....unlike their ancestors!

    Ask your vet for advise.

  6. Oh dear! That programme has a lot to answer for.  You will be able to see if your girl is 'inbred' by checking her pedigree.  How often do the same names appear? Inbreeding in the truest sense is (closest) father to daughter, mother to son or even full brother to sister.  Next comes half brother to half sister and so on.  Otherwise you have nothing to fear.  And incidentally, breeding close isn't wrong, done by people who know what they are doing!!!  And that's the problem.  Far too many people are breeding dogs who frankly shouldn't be.  Females don't 'have' to produce a litter, any more than a male is going to miss out if he never sires one.

    So as for spaying, I'd get her done.  Why bother with having to confine her (are you sure she's not had a season because that's odd, or maybe she's already spayed!) twice a year.  And the sooner in her life she is spayed, the less the risk of mammary tumours later on.  Spay halfway between heats is because there's a risk of bleeding if she's spayed while still 'active'.  Midway is the usual time, although sometimes spaying has to be done immediately (like a difficult C.Section surgery) but this is high risk surgery.

  7. Unless you are a responsible reputable registered breeder have your dog spayed. It is unusual that she has not come on heat by the age of two. Did you get her as a puppy or is there any chance that she would already have been done by a previous owner. Having her done only half way between seasons does not compute with me...the only time I know of not to have them done is when they are on heat. If you leave it and she comes into season I feel that you will most likely not be able to get her to the vets fast enough.  

  8. You should spay her regardless.

    It will help with her health and prevent any pregnancies that might occur in the future.

  9. yes

  10. Yes definately spay her.

    It's a responsible thing to do, where we have too many pets already.

    If you want to breed from her, I guess that's another thing.

    But otherwise you do it once and it's easy and done, and you stop her getting pregnant and ending up with a litter of puppies you can't place.

  11. if your not a breeder and dont show your dog dont breed.

    spay her unless you want 8 unwanted puppies on ur step

  12. i think that dogs should be spayed. your vet knows what she is talking about so i would follow your vets advice she would not out your dog in danger.

  13. wait your dog is 2 and has not had a heat? thats not normal you should take your dog to the vet and have her checked out, somethings not right...its better to have them spayed before their first heat, that way no unwanted pregnancies.

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