Well let me start by explaining my situation. Both of my parents' jobs do not have a dental plan included and both don't make enough to have a spare 5 grand sitting around. Don't get me wrong i have a great lifestyle just they aren't the type of people with 5 grand sitting there, fortunately for my spending habits though, i am that type of person. With my next pay i should be near 5000 dollars and i am considering spending it on braces for myself. My teeth aren't horrible just my front one is slightly crooked and it prevents me from talking to girls much. I've had like 2 girlfriends my whole life and i'm 17, i know it's kind of average, better than some of my friends, but i feel my teeth prevent me from talking to many girls. I'm just wondering if it's worth it to spend all my money on braces for myself and if the satisfaction + self esteem boost afterward is worth it. 5 grand is a lot of money. I will probably also need to get my wisdom teeth pulled so that extra space might straighten the front on it's own since lack of space is why it is crooked in the first place -- i doubt it though.