
Should i spend my money on Braces? ?

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Well let me start by explaining my situation. Both of my parents' jobs do not have a dental plan included and both don't make enough to have a spare 5 grand sitting around. Don't get me wrong i have a great lifestyle just they aren't the type of people with 5 grand sitting there, fortunately for my spending habits though, i am that type of person. With my next pay i should be near 5000 dollars and i am considering spending it on braces for myself. My teeth aren't horrible just my front one is slightly crooked and it prevents me from talking to girls much. I've had like 2 girlfriends my whole life and i'm 17, i know it's kind of average, better than some of my friends, but i feel my teeth prevent me from talking to many girls. I'm just wondering if it's worth it to spend all my money on braces for myself and if the satisfaction + self esteem boost afterward is worth it. 5 grand is a lot of money. I will probably also need to get my wisdom teeth pulled so that extra space might straighten the front on it's own since lack of space is why it is crooked in the first place -- i doubt it though.





  1. Hi xFitness.  

    There are girls out there that will like you for who you are and take you how you are.  But only you can decide what it's going to take to boost your self esteem.  If you do decide to get get braces you can get them for far less than $5,000.  More like $2,500 depending on the zip code you live in.  You may even be able to make payments of around $100/mo.


    Hope it helps.

  2. Yeah obviously. You can spend that 5 grand on some dumb c**p as a teenager, or you could have good teeth for all of your life, including college when you are trying to get a wife.  

  3. absolutely.

    if your not feeling comfortable on how your looking i think you should do whatever you can to boost it up and make your confident come so you can go out and meet a nice girl :)

  4. no it doesnt worth it !!  

  5. I think that you should have braces if you feel that this is the right path for you to take. If you feel that braces would make you more confident then i think it would be money well spent. However i had both teeth removed and braces and I think that the teeth corrected themselves more when i had 5 teeth removed in order to create more space. i think you should have your wisdom teeth removed first and if this doesn't solve your crooked teeth then go ahead with the braces!

  6. I think its a great decision to make on your behalf to get braces. It is very expensive, been there. Maybe this could help on the cost of them though, I was originally quoted $6000 for mine and ended up paying around $3000 for mine. Just depends on how much work you need done. Everyone situation is different. I signed up online 5 years ago and have saved thousands on all services with this very affordable plan. They even had my benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use it the very same day. Hope this helps to keep some of that hard worked money in your pocket.

  7. Go for it. It will be harder for them to straighten as you get older. Good luck!

  8. I paid for mine myself in my 20s, and it was worth it, but it was aggravating having them on.  My teeth hurt every time they tightened them.

    I felt so much better about myself after I got them off!  Wish I had worn the retainers better - teeth are moving again b/c I didn't.

  9. Well, most girls wouldn't care if you had one crooked tooth but, I guess there are some out there but do. But hey, if it makes you uncomfortable go for it! It's definitely worth it.

    Hope this helps! :)

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