
Should i stand up for what i feel is fair?

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so i went on a school trip to spain...

i did every fundraiser,

my mom got another job,

all of my my form my job went to the trip

my grandma and godmother both helped me out tons...

and so on the trip my host family situtationwas terrible...

and every night most of the sutdents and teachers/chaperones went out drinking....

it was the worst trip ever.... and i feel like i wasted all of that money my mom worked for, and my fmaily gave me.

i drank on the trip too becuase i as legal in spain... but i was never ever drunk! the most i drank was like 2 drinks one night!

so should i ask the teachers for somesort of refund?




  1. You should definitely try, but I doubt they'd actually do it. But you should still definitely try.

  2. even the teachers go drinking in spain . i lived there and went with the class and i was surprised the teachers let u drink, and they werent of legal age by the way!! 17.  

  3. NOPE sorri buddy u already went on the trip! i herd of that trip too it was just too much money for. I think the teachers/chaperons had more fun than u my spanish teacher was tlakin baout dat trip all YEAR!! she goes every year.  

  4. well if you tell you will probably get in trouble too because you were drinking.

    but you are definintly the more mature one admitting that you drank as well.. etc. etc.

    i would try you know... you and your famliy worked so hard for you to experience another culture. not to babysit drunk teens.

    i hope that the teachers get kicked up their butts!!! what they did was wrong!

  5. It would only be unfair if your teachers knew in advance that the trip would be rotten and led you on.

    Honestly, I doubt that this is the case.  Your teachers likely believed that this would be a good trip and they were as upset as you that things didn't work out.

    As for the chaperones going out - they're entitled to, it's their trip, too.

    You had a chance to enjoy the trip.  Instead, you focused on everything that went wrong with it instead of looking at what went right.

    I don't think any refund is in order.

  6. Whether it sucked or not I don't think you can do that.

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