
Should i start because everyone else does?

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I'm fourteen years old. my cousins are 15 and her friend is 14. we were at a party yesterday with my family and they were all smoking and drinking. they all got drunk and offered me some and asked if i wanted a smoke. i said no but it made me feel all goody too shues andd young, and it was also cuz my mom was there. but still i think my cousin is to young and her friends. they got drunk andd were talking about hooking up with people and stuff. they live in the city and i dont. i feel like an outsider to them. i was wondering should i start doing some of the stuff they do?





  1. Nooo.... dont do something just to try and fit in better with your coursins, friends etc.  Do something  because its something YOU want to do.  If they truely cared about you they would respect your decisions not to do the kinds of things they do.  Doing something just because you think it will make you fit in better may be a decision you will regret  later on in life. So i dont think you should start doing the stuff they do.  

  2. no.

    Through school I was just like your friends, drinking and stuff, and I had a couple of friends that would not touch the stuff. And not that we are graduated and starting our own families, we are still really close friends. If your friends are really good friends they will not try to pressure you into it... live your life they way you want to live it, not the way others live theirs.

  3. I understand how you feel. Please take mature advice and do not engage in anything that your peers or family is practicing. The things they are doing have consequences that follow. Smoking leads to cancer, lung disease and so forth. Drinking leads to kidney faliure, high blood pressure and so on. s*x is a lie, it appears to sound and look fun, but if you are not ready then it will lead to disaster! You could get yourself pregnant - and their goes your education. You could contract a disease such as HIV, herpes, chlymidia, crabs, genital warts a few to mention which can claim your life. Be very careful with your life, you only have ONE life to live. Be the boss of your own life dont throw it away because no one else respects their lives. Live long, and become SOMEBODY!

  4. noo way. listen, saying no is a good thing, and I know I probably sound like your school nurse, but it's true. this kind of stuff ruins your life, and i think that anyone who does that is a coward.

    please answer mine!;...

  5. You did the right thing by saying no , dont give into such peer pressure ok , just becasue everyone else starts something doesnt mean you have to ,  if it doesnt feel right dont do it. But in terms of drinking i dont think its going to hurt you to try but you still are young for that stuuf though its not a drugs where taking it once could get you addicted! But a drink wouldnt be bad  just as long as u dont get drunk and are around men :S . Smoking i dont know ? thats up to you it might taste bad and make you gag. And ur cousin , ya shes too young for that stuff she wait till shes like 16 , looks like someone wants to grow up too fast! But in your best interest i think you should wait till your older because your still young , still growing and theres always going to be a chance for you to try those things like at a highschool party ;) but the choice is totally up to u , just know you dont have to do anything for anyone if you dont want to , thats the benefit of being human , you can make your own decisions ;)

  6. Remember, there are people in their 30s that don't smoke, they don't feel "goody two shoes" just smart.

    Smoking is stupid, dangerous, and bad for you, there's nothing "mature" about it.

    As for drinking, why not wait until your body has fully matured.

    You can say you don't like the taste, the calories, the feel of being drunk.........the stupid people might say you're not "mature", but you don't want them as friends anyway.


  7. NO! thats only going to mess your life up :/

  8. You do what you think is the right thing, there is plenty of time in college to drink and smoke, if you wanted to.  I dont know you, but I think its awesome that you "chose" not to partake in their partying ways.  Peer pressure sucks.  Good job!  

  9. You most definatley shouldnt. For one, do you know all of the risks of smoking. Drinking will only ruin your liver and other  organs. Second, dont ever give in to peer pressure! In a few years, they could be in the hospital with lung cancer and liver problems and whatnot. Im sure that you wouldnt want that to happen to you. Think about this because if you dont, you might do something that you will regret

  10. NO you should not !

    I am talking from experience, and no, i'm not 40 years old and a mother of 3 , i am still young- 23 years old.

    You should definitely not do what people want you to do or expect you to do. Be yourself and make your own decisions do not let people influence you, i started smoking because of friends and i am not happy about it , and now it's hard to give it up, even thou i have tried. And drinking you are way to young for that , keep in mind that when you are under the influence of alcohol it is a lot easier for people to take advantage of you in ways you don't even want to think about .


    So just be yourself and give it more time before you try things out (eventually you will)...but  trust me there are not as great as they sound.

    Take care  

  11. Whatever you do do not give into things like that. You are your own person and no one can ever tell you what to do. It is good to be different and unique, when you fit in with the crowd no one will know you as being the person with the brain of their own. Don't smoke or drink because you do not want to ruin your life because of what your cousin and her friend does. Stay true to yourself and your morals and you will set your own trends as being a leader and people would want to follow you.

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