
Should i start handfeeding baby parakeets when they are all hatched?

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i need to know now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...




  1. ya because they will love you more and sing for you and they will not bite you  

  2. Generally you let the parents take care of them for the first 10 days or so. This ensures they get a good nutritional start, and makes it easier on you. The parents will take care of the intense feeding regiment that's first required, you can take over when you can let the birds go most the night without a feeding. If you've never hand fed before, get someone to show you now, especially if you're going to be attempting a parakeet, the smaller the bird, the more challenging/work the feeding is.

    It also gives you a chance to check on each chick, get everything ready you'll need for the various stages of development, etc. Most people don't bother hand feeding parakeets since they're small, making it harder to do, and don't sell for very much, even if they were hand tame, but that doesn't mean no one does, and that it's not rewarding just the same. :)

    There are also various sites with examples of how people have scheduled feedings, when they like to pull the chicks if they're going to hand feed, etc if you want to try a google search or find a page to bookmark to reference.

  3. It's usually best to let the parents feed budgie chicks.  They can be hard to feed.  But you can start to handle them as soon as they start to get some feathers.  Handling is what makes them tame, not the feeding.  Just be very careful with them while they are very young.  Handle them a little in the beginning and increase the time as they get older.  Always be careful not to squeeze or mash the crop, you can cause them to aspirate.  Please read my profile.

  4. When they get their feathers you can start handling them. As long as you handle them each day they should accept you. Nothing cuter than a newly-feathered parakeet who trusts his human. I heard of a girl who came from Columbia with her hand-raised parakeet, she loved it so much her family paid $1000 or whatever it was to put it in quarantine, and when she came to the US, she took that little bird places in her car, no cage, and he stayed on her shoulder when she walked around outside. (What a lovely little piece of jewelry!)  She only left him at home when it was too cold or windy to bring him out in the weather

  5. no, the mother will feel the need to protect her babies, so all you need to do is give the parakeets food and let the momma do the feeding, that way they can grow to trust both you and their parents.

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