
Should i start my new birth-control?

by Guest57694  |  earlier

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Ok so i haven't been on birthcontrol for over two years now. And the last time i was sexually active ( fiance is in the marines) was in about mid june. My period after that was about a week and a half late (38 total days apart) and it was lighter then usual still red though, and only last like 3 and a half days ( usually lasts a good 5 or 6 and is HEAVY)

Then for the month of august it was TWO weeks late and only 3 days of brown discharge which i barely needed a panty liner for ( don't even know if i should consider that a period)

my periods are usually VERY regular so all this is very strange for me.

i was supposed to start a new birth control today and im wondering if i should even start it.. should i even be worried about being pregnant? I'm going to go buy a test today but i just wanted you guys' personal experiences and opinions... thank you!




  1. If you haven't been on birth control for 2+ years and your fiancee is not around for you to even conceive a baby....what's another week? It sounds to me like what you have experienced could be implantation bleeding (brown discharge, that usually comes around the same time a period would, that comes form the egg implanting in your uterus). However, your period could also be staring to be irregaular. This does happen...even to women who have had normal regular periods for years. To be on the safe side take that HPT tomorrow morning to be sure! Best of luck.

  2. i would take a test before starting BC

  3. Do a pregnancy test just to be sure, call you doc and go from there. Let us know how you did. Best of luck...

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