
Should i start smoking again? Help needed Urgently!?

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I suffer from Borderline personality Disorder,OCD,Self Harm and a few other mental illnesse's.

I gave up smoking 4 weeks ago... And i have been through h**l... I am getting repeat panic and anxiety attacks (which i dont usually get),i am starting to develop slight agrophobia,i have no energy,my emotions are completly chaotic,.

Before i quit my psychiatrist even said he didnt think i should as it would proberly make me worse. Can anyone give me there honest opinion on what i should do.

I was smoking 40/50 a day. I would never go back to that...

Maybe just 5/10...




  1. err...smoking doesn't help with psychiatric's good that you quit, especially with the amount you were probably need something else to take the place of smoking, to calm you down and help relieve tension...maybe you should work out or go for walks or something like that...but really, don't start smoking've already gone through the initial part of quitting, which is the hardest...don't do it to yourself all over again

  2. DON'T DO IT! I know that you're going through h**l right now put I promise that'll only last a few months at the very very most and after that you will be completely smoke free and it'll be the best feeling ever. The horrible feeling after quiting smoking, never ever lasts. It will go away! Whatever you do, don't go back to smoking!!  

  3. no do you whach leave below weed stay above the influnce so no

  4. Wow ... I would talk to a doctor not yahoo questions

  5. first off well done on stopping but dont start again, u may start off with 5 to 10 but this would gradually build up again, what you need to do is find a distraction, when you start feeling upset and paniky go do the dishes or walk the dog just something that will cause your mind to be busy else where these panic attacks etc may just be u stressing cos u feel you want a ciggie and actually what your experiencing is quite common in heavy smokers in the first few weeks of stopping, you just need to stay strong and positive, please dont start again!!

  6. don't go back to smoking; it will make it worse. but you gotta go through the hard to get to the good! :)  hope this helped


  7. for my opinion i rather not say keep on smoking again because itll make your life shorter i rather say go to the docter to make those go away and itt cure you SO DONT SMOKE

  8. instead of asking other people u should ask yourself & it will reveal an obvious answer

  9. It was most probably the nicotine in the cigarettes that surpresed your disorders. Try nicottine patches or gum with high nicotine content, this may help. If it doesn't i would probably try get professional help. Gud luk

  10. I think you should really try not to.  You have done so well to give up in the first place, don't let these other feelings drive you back to it.  Would you be able to do some sort of relaxation exercises or perhaps yoga or swimming to help?

    Good luck.

  11. Whatever you do, DO NOT start smoking again. To help the anxiety attacks, chew gum.

  12. you should probably ask a psychiatrist since people on yahoo answers probly arent that qualified to help you!

    but id say yes, go back. the risks of having your emotions getting screwed up is WAY more dangerous than possible cancer or emphysema.

    it sounds like youre at a great risk. just go back to it, but definetly cut down!

  13. smoking is More of a danger to your health than anxiety. If not smoking is  causing alot of problems try replacing the habit with a new one, that is safe. I quit smoking about 3 months ago and I have had some issues with my anxiety and anger but my quality of life has improved so much that its totally worth it.

  14. My heart goes out to you but i dont think Smoking again will solve your problems , You really need to write everything down like you have here and go and see your doctor or psychiatrist and show them the letter , There must be something they can give you to help you , Good luck i hope everything works out for you  

  15. No...plain and simple...if you are having doubts then no don't start smoking again!

  16. go back with 5/10 and then start slowing decreasing the number soon you wont smoke as much..but make sure you do this over a long period of time..your body and brain isnt used to going from 40/50 a day to now 0..

  17. well if you must

    keep it to a minimum of 5/10


  18. I'm glad you quit. Are you out of your mind? "Start back up again" It's the nicotine that makes you calm. So just get some gum or patches...

    Your psychiatrist could prescribe drugs to you.

    Or better yet, something homeopathic.

    anything is better than smoking.

    40/50...I can't believe you're still alive...I'm sure I can't imagine how hard it would be to quit an addictive substance...But trust me..It's all in your head..Once you flush all of the chemicals out of your body, you won't even crave cigarettes anymore. And I'm sure you'll feel calmer too.

  19. even people like me who do smoke will say NO!  

  20. i suffer panic and anxiety and i find that smokin makes it worse because i worry....and smokin makes me out of breath even if im just sitting. so personally i wudnt start again love. ur better of with out them x*x gl  

  21. FACT - if you used to smoke 40 to 50 a day you will NEVER be able to maintain smoking 5-10 a day.

    You have done fantastically well to stop for 4 weeks and should be very proud of yourself.

    I would recommend reading Allen Carr Easyway to Stop Smoking and also joining an internet support group. I found this one very good:

    It even has a forum for people quitting with depression.

    Please don't start again, it will make you feel worse, honestly xx

  22. you should never quit anything cold turkey.... if your smoking full flavors go to light's or mild, after that go to ultra lights. if you were smoking that much day, you need to WEIN yourself down and off. your throwing your body into shock. and don't start snacking to fulfill the need of constantly putting your hand to your mouth. you will only gain weight.   trust me, to quit smoking is anything but easy.

  23. I personally think that you should seek advise from your docter and use nicotine to see if it helps at all . Good luck


  24. yeah dont do it too much. just smoke less and less every week and youll start to be able to get off of it without any major consequences... wait what are you smoking? cigarrettes? weed? if its weed nothing should be happening to you

  25. no. though you may feel better if you do, it is horrible to your health. The right thing to do is to stay away from anything harmful, like cigarettes.

  26. yea go back too 5-10 because 40/50 a day! woah not good idea to stop immdeitatly for a healthy person nevermind you lol

    good luck


  27. If you started again you'd be on 50 a day in no time. Are you using gum, patches or spray? If not, why not? I quit several times and started again but it's over four years since I smoked a f*g so it can be done. If you can't cope have a ciggy and plan to stop again soon but using NRT. Spray is hardcore btw.

    Yahoo censor - in the UK a cigarette is commonly known as a F** A** G**. It's nowt to do with s*x.

  28. dont go back

    cuz even though you think youll only do 5/10

    its just going to get worse

  29. no smoking is extremely bad for your health and if u start smoking again it could give u cancer !!

    never smoke !!

  30. ok, why not get some patches or something and see if they work before going back to smoking? at least then you are still getting nicotine into your system.

    congratulations on quitting though, i couldnt have done it! and youve gone a month without so it would be a shame to go back.

    good luck x*x

  31. Your a very strong person to make it through those 4 weeks. The side effects of quitting should subside eventually, just try n make it. Alot of people fail when trying to give up, so if you slip up dont beat yourself up about it. Quitting is a hard thing though and you have made it so far.  

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