
Should i stay a vegetarian?

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ive been one for 3 years now, however ive been getting ill frequently and is also effecting my school life. i became a vegetarian because i didnt like the idea of eating animals, even though i eat fish and gelatine. i dont know wether to carry on, or even if i can ever bring myself to eat meat again. x




  1. Looking at why you get ill is going to be the key here: on a well planned vegetarian diet, you should be getting more than adequate nutrition.

    It's hard to say more without knowing about your illness(es). Have you any results from a doctor as to what may be wrong? These could be usefult to know. Speaking generally, one of the major problems for vegetarians is often overdosing on dairy and eggs though, which can be an especial problem since dairy products inhibit iron absorption. Make sure you're eating plenty of wholegrain starches and vegetables,(especially ones with dark green leaves: e.g. kale) and focusing on these rather than on junk foods or processed foods.

    Fish and gelatine also are not health foods, despute any claim to the contrary: if you're after omega 3s, try flaxseed and flaxseed oil.  

  2. Stop being a vegetarian....ur missing out meat is soooo good.  

  3. It's true that there may be a problem not related to being a vegetarian. But  if there is some correlation then take care to assure that you are getting all the required nutrients for balance and well-being. I have been a vegetarian for over 20 years and have been able to get sufficient protein and iron in my diet. It's important to know "how to be a vegetarian". There are certain legumes that are more easily digestible than others and are very nutritious (mung beans and red lentils). Sprouting beans/legumes is the best way to get the optimal amount of nutrients and they are the most digestible. Other good protein sources are low-fat yogurt (no sugar), tofu, quinoa, and low-fat cottage cheese. Nuts and seeds are also highly nutritious. It's important to eat dark leafy greens (chard, kale, spinach, lettuces, collard greens, broccoli rabe...). And of course the omegas which you can find in flax seeds. It's good to grind the flax seeds before consuming them for better digestibility. Whole grains also have protein (though mostly carbs) and are essential for good health. With a diet of whole grains, legumes, fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds, you should be able to maintain good health (if there is no other ailment involved).

  4. If you eat fish you are eating an animal.  Why fight it. Have a steak.

  5. go to the doctor to see if you have deficiency if so do something to change that. if not see why you are getting sick it could be something serious also try a multi vitamin

  6. First go see a doctor, find out if there is any underlying cause of your illnesses that has nothing to do with your diet. Then review your reasons for being a vegetarian. If your health is negatively affected by your diet choices, couldn't it be said that you are choosing your sense of moral well-being over your physical well-being? You may not have as many years on this Earth to make positive moral choices if you don't make positive choices for your body's health. Is it worth it to you?  

  7. You're getting il... if you eat meat, your eating the carcasses of not ill, but DEAD animals, just to save yourself. Vegetarian for life.

  8. I agree with getting any underlying problems checked out by a doctor. Being a vegetarian it's really important to eat a balanced diet, I've known vegetarians in the past who don't like vegetables - they didn't last as a veggie for very long.

    As long as you make sure you are getting the correct nutrients [you could try taking a multi vitamin specifically for vegetarians] then being a vegetarian is a healthy life choice.

  9. I think you should stay a vegeatarin because it tasty better than chicken.

  10. First of all, have you been getting enough protein? And second have you been getting enough iron? These are questions to ask yourself. If not, there are plenty of foods to make you feel better. Nuts, beans, and dark green vegetables are perfect for protein or iron deficincies.

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