
Should i stay for an 1 hr in the pool or 2 hrs??

by Guest62999  |  earlier

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  1. till grandma tells us.

  2. Two, that is long enough to prune you up.

  3. Long  as it takes to find your way out

    AN 1 hr ?? thought i was bad

  4. at least 2hrs.. just enjoy it... relax and don't worry about time...

  5. You should only stay in for an hour and then get out and let your body dry off for several minutes then go back in for another hour if you wish.

  6. 1 hr. it's better for you

  7. Don't time it in hours at all.

    You should get out when your skin starts getting wrinkled like a prune.

  8. I'm impressed

    you put this question in the Snooker & Pool section....

    then you bust out "for an 1 hr"

    just stay in the pool for however long you feel like.......that is, if you can shove yourself into one of those tiny pockets

  9. 2 hours if you wanna tan but 1 hour if you don't wanna burn.

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