
Should i stay friends with my questionable close friend?

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me and my friend have been friends for 10 months now but she keeps getting more and more annoying,like she constantly lies for no reason,every time we go out i wound up buying her things and she has never bought me anything except a bag of i know she a little bit poorer than me but she constantly brags about being prettier than everyone else and better than everyone else. in plus she talk about her own bestfriends shes been close to for years behind their backs to me like by saying that they are ugly or s***s.the reason why im with my boyfriend now is because of her but i got angry that they were messaging one another on myspace when i asked him not to and told him that whatever they have to say to one another could wait until were all in person i told her that i didnt want to be friends with her anymore because of the way she is .but we wound up talking again. i dont know if i should just stop talking to her or just stay friends with her and hope things can be the same again




  1. I believe you should remain friends if you can, but don't expect it will work itself out. You have a few issues that need to be worked out, and the problems won't go away until then. Make a point to talk to the both of them (boyfriend and friend) at the same time, explaining how you feel and asking them to respect your limitations/boundaries. Also, consider if you're going a bit far by asking them to not message each other, particularly if they were friends with each other before you got together with your boyfriend.

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