
Should i stay in Computer Science if i am bad at Math?

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Ok im bad at math i no the basics but when it comes to the harder stuff im no good at it at all will i struggle in Computer Science if i am bad at math.




  1. You will probably have difficulty in computer science if you are not good at math, The real solution is to improve your math. iI you cannot or will not do that then you should consider dropping computer science./  

  2. In my opinion yes you would. Reason why I say this is because programming and the ability to do math goes together. Forget for the moment of writing a game program where you need to calculate how an object will be reflect off a wall, or writing a program to monitor the orbit of a satellite. Instead think about programs that use simpler calculations such one that balances your bank book like (MS Money) or the simple program that is in your toaster to calculate when toast is done.

    Now let us assume for a moment that you did not go into a field that required programming but in a field like network or security. In security you would need to do a risk analysis in which you would have to calculate the probability of an event occurring and the potential monetary damage that the risk could cause the business. Even in an network environment you still need to calculate distance, capacity, and understand  volume of network traffic. Without good skills in math you will struggle with any field in computer science.

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