
Should i still ask a girl out even though i know she will say no??

by Guest60889  |  earlier

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she is extremely beautiful.

lol, i feel bad for my self but.

should risk my reputation but asking her out? even though i know that she will say no.




  1. Well maybe you can get to know her before you just go and ask her out. You know flirt a bit, show a few signs that you like her, and see if they are returned. If not, then don't risk it.


  2. Well if you know for a fact she'll say no then don't but if you only THINK she will say no then go for it!!!

  3. that dude Bellic is right,just do it.

  4. Not a health issue.

    Stop wasting our time

  5. Well, you say she is extremely beautiful which probably means you're nervous around her, which makes asking her out about ten times harder.  If I were you I would just stay casual and get to know her.  See how she reacts around you, it's easy to tell when a girl wants you to ask her out and when she doesn't.  So yeah, just play it cool, get to know her a little bit and if your gut instinct tells you that you have a chance, go for it.  If not, then don't.

    If you do ask her out and she says no, don't take it personally, just move on to the next one.

  6. You got nothing to lose including your reputation.. so why not just ask...

  7. when you say "ask her out" do you mean by, saying "will you go out with me" which teenyboppers say to basically mean will you be my girlfriend/boyfriend. If so, no.

    But, if you want to be like, let's go to the football game together, or something casual, maybe she would consider it. Just don't make it out like a date, until she gets to know you.

    Then, you might have a chance.

    Good luck!

  8. If you're going in with that defeatist attitude - it aint gonna happen anyway!  Avoid the unpleasant let down by not even asking her out if you know for sure she will decline your invitation.  Get a little backbone & get up enough nerve to ask her anyway - she might see some hope for you yet - and say yes.  You won't know until you ask.

  9. what is the point then?

  10. What would be the point? If you KNOW she's going to say no, what are you hoping will happen?

  11. go for it man you only live once if you risk your reputation just say to all the haters hey im the one who had the balls to ask her out and i didnt see you do it

  12. Yes, you should ask her. Because she could also say YES!

  13. As long as this girl is not at work the risk is okay. Be nice and make your best presentation at the right moment. Try to have some casual concerned conversation before that. Don't get too close, you'll make yourself look "needy". Your done right there you won't even get out of the gate. Look her in the eyes when you speak to her and be soft, courteous, and most of all necessarily brief. None of this "blah blah and dat dat dat" you'll make her puke. Then make your play. If she turns you down, eh well, SO WHAT. On to the next one.  

  14. well usually I would say, y not? she may like you and u don't even know. And people also say rejection is a part of life and you have to go through it to be able to move on.

    But now i'm saying y ask her out and get rejected? You can just find another girl that's just as beautiful AND likes you and then you ask her out. This may take a while but you'll eventually find her.

    About the reputation thing. After you ask someone out everyone usually forgets about it in two or three weeks. Unless u are like a 1 and she is like a 10, then it may last a little longer than that.

  15. how do you know she will say no? come on man! just try! Maybe in the end she will change her mind. If she say no, the world will not end, right? you wont lose anything right?  at least you've tried. If you dont ask her out, she's definitely won't go out with you, because you don't even give a shot. But if you ask her out, there's still a chance that she will say "yes".

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