
Should i still keep asking?

by  |  earlier

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okay im in middle school and one of school friends asked for a dollar so she could by dorritos for herself.That was over a month ago and she refuses to give me the money she gives me the excuse i forgot.But i still want my dollar.Should i keep asking or stop?




  1. keep asking u wer LENDING money

  2. Just stop. She won't give you the money if you ask a million more times. Just remember not to let her borrow anything ever again. And if she does ask to "borrow" money again, tell her no and tell her why.

  3. you have several choices...

    forget about ur dollar but never make a loan again

    keep asking for ur dollar

    cut off that mooching friend

  4. Yes I would, and this should teach you a lesson not to give money to anyone even friends, sometimes it can cause alot of problems in a friendshio.

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