
Should i stop communicating with him?

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I met this guy a year ago. He invited me out a few time then but for some reason or another we never met up. We have kept in touch online via IMs. Every now and then we'd end up talking online for hours sharing thoughts. He is very busy and travel for his work quite often. He never calls me, I never call him. I went offline for a while because I was tired of this, a couple months at a time. When he finally sees me online, he'd say hi and ask why I haven't been on, then I would make up some excuses then we'd end up continuing our conversations and repeat the same cycle. Does he not get it? Why can't he call me to talk when I was MIA for months if he wondered what was up with me? I find myself getting really tired of this, and am uncomfortable with the kind of closeness we are developing online. Would it be wrong to cease communications with him? I do enjoy our conversations and think he is a great person, but I don't want this to stay in my head so much I want to move on..... Guys, what thoughts you have on this, and ladies, what would you do?




  1. First off you obviously enjoy talking to him so i say that your first should talk to him next time online and say that you two should start talkin on the phone more often and that itd be nice if he called you sometimes (you may have to be the 1st to call). With great people that you click with, ALWAYS try your best to fix things and talk them out because theyre not always easily replaceable. Goodluck!

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