
Should i stop dancing (ballet)?

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I have been dancing since i was 4 (i am now 15). My parents are forcing me to make a decision between playing polo or dancing.

My father starting teaching me how to play polo, from the day i could ride a horse, well pony. The problem is that, both take up vast amounts of my time, and i will be starting my A-levels in September and will not have the time to continue with both.

I have three two hour lessons a week for my dancing and two two hour lessons a week for my polo, but on top of thet i have to exercise my pony every day, so it is going to be far to much to carry it all on, as i also want to apply to Oxbridge.

I just can't make the decision of which one to drop, dancing is such a big part of my life, and i live for it, i could imagine not dancing everyday. But then on the other hand i represent my boarding schools polo team , and it is something i have always done, and my pony lives for it, the old thing, gets a new lease of life when we play. What shall i do?




  1. It's tough because you know if you are to stop playing polo then you may be letting a few people down (your pony, team etc.) but ballet is an amazing emotional release (for me anyway) I'm also 15 and recently had to choose between my music (singing, piano and guitar) or ballet. I was doing all my lessons after school on different days each taking 1 hour. Then after that i would have to rush to a 3 hour ballet class. It was the hardest decision I ever made, but honestly i made the right decision by choosing ballet over music. Even if you may be letting others down by stopping polo, you will be letting yourself down by stopping ballet. As dancers from a young age, we have grown to that kind of passion with dance and you will feel a whole part of yourself is lost without ballet.

  2. Hi Tilly,

    I'm a dancer, but I will try to be as unbiased as possible when I assist you in your decision.  Naturally my impulse would be to say no, dance is great for you, helps your poise, etc., but I'm reading your question and I think you have a decision that requires more than just my biased impulse.

    When I was younger, I was always split between everything.  I took so many lessons, even my summer was completely booked.  I know how it feels to make difficult choices, because that's what I did.  Eventually, however, I knew I would have to make a choice between them.  I chose dance and became a professional.

    There are pros and cons of each choice.  Dance teaches you poise, grace, strength, and discipline, as well as how to handle rejection and the tough facts of life.  Polo, on the other hand, is a much more realistic path and the benefits of playing sports on a team are endless: discipline, training, strength, teamwork, trust, etc.  It's definitely a tough decision and I absolutely cannot make it for you.

    My best suggestion to you is to really contemplate over the next few weeks while you are doing each activity.  In ballet class, really think about if you are enjoying yourself or muscling through.  While you're playing polo, think about what you want from it and if you're having fun.  Really think about which one you feel better in.

    Also, you need to think about your future.  Both of these activities can help you a great deal with your career, even if it's not in ballet or polo.  However, they help in different ways, and depending on what you want to do with your life, you need to see which one will help you in that area.  Always be honest with yourself and don't try to convince yourself of anything.  If one is not going to help you with your career, don't try to tell yourself it will.  Your gut and intuition is usually correct.

    Tilly, to be honest, I don't know what you should do, and I suggest you go with your gut.  Like I said, it's usually right.  I'm telling you right now that ballet dancers don't get paid a lot and it's a very tough life in show business.  That' my experience as a professional dancer speaking.  However, polo is very difficult to make a career out of and I'm guessing you have to be very good to make a decent salary.  I don't have much experience with sports but I know people that do, and that's what they've told me.

    As clichéd as it sounds, go with what you feel.  There's a place in your mind where you reason.  Your reasoning in its purest state is before you start mulling it over and thinking so hard about it.  In other words, what your heart tells you is your purest form of reasoning.  It's a form of instinct.  Most of the time we are almost unaware of this reasoning because we think about things so much, and the reasoning isn't pure anymore.  The truth is, all you have to do is find that pure reasoning and you can make your decision.

    Good luck and hope that helped.  Remember, you can always feel free to contact me with further questions.♥

  3. im srry to say i dont think anyone on yahoo answers can answer that for you. but i you have an obligation to polo with your school than you probably should continue with that. ballet will never go away. people will always have a ballet school for you to go to. try to live without one for a while and then switch and see which one you love ( if thats possible with polo idk). you'll love how much free time you'll have if you choose just one. I know thats probably not what you wanted to hear but its the best answer i can give because i dont know. but i do own horses and am a ballet dancer so i know how hard it is to depart with either.

    may God bless you and everyone you love!

  4. It is a tough decision.  Would it be an option to just dance one day a week?  It seems that polo is such a huge part of your life and you don't want to give it up.  But, at the same time you love dancing.  If you could dance just one day a week, it would let you get your ballet in, but keep polo and and all the responisibilites involved with it stay the main focus.  

    Unfortunately, this is a decision that a lot of people have to make.  If you chose your decision with confidence, then it won't be the wrong one.  And after a while, you can always go back to the other.  People don't forget how to ride a horse, or do ballet over night.  

    Good luck with your decision.  Just make it with confidence and it will be the right one for this chapter of your life.

  5. Don't stop ballet trust me you have a better chance of being a professional dancer than a professional polo player thats for sure, also you'll get farther in life and have more opportunities, polo is just a game/sport dance is a lifestyle it's easier to learn polo rather than it is to learn how to move your body fluently with your emotion. Stick with dance or you'll regret it!

  6. Well, that decision is definately up to you but, maybe you should practice ballet on your own time and then be on the polo team. And when you can, go back to ballet. I will mention from personal experience, I gave up ballet and it kicked my butt for it. Now I am trying to come back to it.

  7. you should dance. you would have more fun dancing since you allready know how and are good at it. you can actualy get a career in dance!!!

  8. well, in my opinion, i never would quit dance. Ballet is the foundation of all types of dance. It teaches precision, builds muscle and coordination, and keeps you fit and in shape. Plus, you can do it anywhere, unlike polo where you have to have a horse. Plus, if you take more classes for dance and it's a big part of your life, you should certainly carry on with ballet. It helps your health and fitness- some former ballerinas live to be 100- it's a proven fact. If you need any help w/ any dance questions, let me know! :)

  9. It sucks that your parents are making you choose! I'd choose dance... but I'm baised :) Is there no compromise? Take less classes?

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