I am getting married to a wonderful man who usually is not a jelous person, but ever since I started working out at the Gym with a personal trainer ( mind you he is 6’4 and about 350 pounds- not fit at all) he is very upset about it. We have been arguing off and on for the 2 months about this. He has admitted that he does not like it at all, that there is no reason for me to be paying for a gym membership and working out with another man, when I could be doing it home with him. I tried to explain that it was easier for me to be focused at the gym than at home with the kids. But he still disagrees. It has gotten to the point that it could call off our wedding and that scares me. I was in an abusive relationship prior to this to a very controlling person. So my thought on it is that if I quit now than I will be giving in to him and I don’t want him to think that what ever he says goes. I am thinking about this all wrong? Please help.