
Should i study in europe?

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should i study medacine in Europe and then when im done, if i want to, come back to canada/us or even stay their

would it be difficult to study medacine in a foreign country in french will all the names or parts be difiernt?

is the medical terms all diffierent?

how is the salary in euros per year compared to us/canada ?

sry for spelling in a rush






  1. As much as I am a proponent of study abroad, the medical field is extremely particular about where you study. In many cases the AMA or AOA will not accept your foreign degree for licensing once you have passed all tests and need it. An option that I know would allow you to study abroad would be to find a school with flexible clinical work locations.

    My mother coordinates the rotations for medical students at Philadelphia College for Osteopathic Medicine (PCOM) and she sends her students all over the world. You need to find the clinical rotation yourself, but what an opportunity! She has had students in numerous clinics in Africa, Europe and the carribean.

  2. doctors have great scope in Australia and UK only technical people have more scope in Europe other than UK ..

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