
Should i study in germnany instead the US?

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I already finish with high school in the us but what i dont know is whether i can start with a university in germany right after high school, or do i have to complete some kind of college level that compares to the ABITUR in germany? should i study in germany or in california? the difference is in US is way more expensive, and i heard you get more job opportunities in EUROPE then in the us? what should i do?




  1. First, what do you want to study?! your answer would make answering your question easier.

    As regards jobs in US vs. Europe, graduating from the US could actually raise your chances of getting a good job in Europe!

  2. i would go to US sure there expensive but i beleive they have very good jobs if u pass but europe is good too but id still go with US but.. u can always search US and EUROPE for schools and opportunities like compare u no wat im saying :) and then once u made the correct choice.. there u have it

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