
Should i swim or should i run?

by  |  earlier

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okay very simple question should i be a swimmer or a runner. i like both a lot but swimming just is awesome but suck at it. in running i get hurt alot but am fast and strong and love sprinting. Help me chose or should i go into track and swimming




  1. you could do them both. In fact, it's great to do them both because, they'll help you with each other sport. Also, picking up cross country wouldn't be a bad idea as well. good luck :)

  2. well running would help your swimming, and swimming will help your running. I personaly think running because then you can get better at it and develop muscle so then next season you could to do track and have less of a chance of hurting yourself. just make sure with both sports you are not overding it because that hightens your chances of hurting yourself.

    best of luck with wich either you do!

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