
Should i switch my pc off during a thunder storm?

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Should i switch my pc off during a thunder storm?




  1. Yes, shut it down, and unplug the power strip from the wall.  That may be overkill, but it can't hurt.  You should also unplug the Ethernet cable (the one connected to your Cable/DSL modem) from your computer.  Also, stay off LAN phones during a storm, or at least the old ones that have a cord, and are connected to the wall.

  2. Lightning is electricity backed by so much voltage that it can cross a gap of thousands of feet. If it were to strike a nearby power line, the tiny gap in your computer's power switch (probably less than 1/8 of an inch) would be no obstacle to it at all. Neither would any common surge protector. If you truly think there's a significant risk of such a nearby lightning strike, you need to unplug every piece of equipment that you fear might be damaged.

  3. You do not have to keep your pc off but you will have to disconnect all the connections related to internet surfing.You can do normal work on your pc.Lightning arr ester is a good solution to avoid mishaps.

  4. Yes. In case there is a lightning strike, it's best to switch off and unplug all electrical equipment, to prevent a power surge and damage or injury.

  5. I would. My computer died during a storm, never able to turn it on again.

  6. A nearby lightning storm (within a few miles) can cause some surges in the power and phone lines, which is why it's best to have a surge protector.

    A lightning storm overhead poses a significant risk of damage. If it hits a house down the street, chances are that your PC will get fried if it is on.

    If lightning hits your house, NOTHING will stop it, no fuse can sacrifice itself to save your equipment because lightning can cross the gap, no surge protector can protect it, everything is toast.

  7. yes you should even unplug it as well because there could be a power surge when lightning hits it can go through the power lines and destroy your pc and any electronic plugged in this is not covered by any insurance

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