
Should i take a job for $8.25 per hour???

by  |  earlier

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seriousely, I'm 29 have a good work history, also an associates degree.

It's a a department store, presently i am unemployed. but not starving.

it would be like five to six hour shifts too.




  1. I would say go for it, and if it's a cool dept store, then you might want to indulge in the discount i'm sure they offer their employees.  jobs are tight right nowl, so i would say earning a little extra income even for such a low amt of money is still good.

  2. Since your not working there is nothing wrong w/taking this as long as your aren't going to resent your pay for the work.  An AS doesn't mean much unless you can apply it to your job, so don't think your to good for certain jobs just because you have an AS.  You might even find that your degree won't get you anymore $ since your not specialized.  But if it doesn't matter and your holding out for something else you don't have to take the job.  It's really what your comfortable with.

  3. If you took this job would you have time to go on interviews and put you AA degree to use??  If so, do it for the money and use it as a crutch until you find what you went to school to be. Use your gut feeling, it will NEVER let you down.

  4. if you are presntly unemployed, I dont see what the harm would be, with earing some extra money  

  5. You should definetely take this job. Sooner or later, you might need new clothes.  At 29, it might be embarrasing asking your parents to buy you new clothes. Any paying job is better than no job at all. It helps you be financially independant of others. Besides, what else would you be doing if you did not work. Staying home is not something that will make you feel productive.    

  6. i think you should take the job because if you are currently unemployed then you aren't making any money (if you are then probably not much) if you take this job then you will be making about $206.25 to $247.50 if you work 5 days a week and if you work 7 days a week you will be making about $288.75 to $346.50. (at least i think. i am only in high school so i am going off equations i learned i math class.) but i still think you should take the job.  

  7. Take the job until something better comes along. If your single or have no prior commitments , get a second job. One job pays the bills while the other goes in the bank, stocks, bonds, retirement, cause your gonna need it..

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