
Should i take away my childs gamecube because he has one E and all D,s?

by Guest32146  |  earlier

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he has so many bad grades he never improves he is a demond and he never listens to his elders and he spits he agrues with me and he is only 10 he thinks he is the **** but he is a t*t




  1. I've never seen and "E" for a grade, so I am not sure what it means, but regardless of that, if the rest of his grades are D's then he should be spending his time studying instead of playing on his gamecube.  I would either take it away or severely limit it.  Perhaps make him study for a certain number of hours before he plays. You also might want to sit with him and look over his work and discuss it with him while he studies.  Show him how to take notes, make and use flash cards, and all those other things that can help you learn class material.

    This would accomplish two things:  First you would be able to be there to see that he was actually staying on task, and second, if his problems are not from lack of effort but were actually caused by something else, it would become clear to you very shortly.

    For the other behavior, I would take it away along with a lot of other stuff.  He needs discipline.

  2. Strange that everyone is so focused on this young mans grades, and quick with the consequences, anyone wonder how he got to this point?

    Sounds like there are bigger character issues, and playing video games is just a minute part of the big picture .

    We have never allowed them in the home, and trust me it has been the best decision we have ever made; we have seen the negative influence among many of our friend's children.

    A ten year old youngster should not have much say in how, and what the rules in the home are, especially when he exhibits little or no respect, or self control.

    All these traits need to be modeled by mature adults in his life on a daily basis, and boundaries need to be set and enforced with love, and grace for any of these important skills to be learned by a young person, so as hard as this may sound, the truth is what are the adults in his life doing to bring about the changes that are needed for this young man to turn his attitude around?

    Children learn from the examples they have on a daily basis, and as adults we need o practice what we preach.


    and good luck.

  3. What is an "E"?. Never heard of it.  Perhaps if he were  taught how to spell the English language properly and his elders were adapt at raising children..things might be different. The only demons I see are in the movies and in my dreams.

  4. What good will that do? He hasn't been raised to have respect, and has apparently been raised so that he acts like a demon. You think he's going to get the message just by taking away his gamecube? There are deeper things at play, here, like parenting skills, his emotions and relationship between parent and child.

    Btw, the more you see your child as a disrespectful, demon "t*t", the more he will act that way.

  5. take it and tell him if he keeps acting up he ain't getting it back.

  6. You should definitely take all of his toys, not just his gamecube.  What type of discipline do you use?  The best thing to do is always take away his favorite toys, maybe he should spend more time studying and less time playing.  Whatever it is you have to take care of it now because he's 10yrs old, and he'll only get worse if he doesn't straighten up REAL SOON! You might have to tap that *** just to let him know who the adult is.  He doesn't respect you, so you have to make him respect you before it's too late.  Good Luck!

  7. I think this a bogus question. For one, you asked a question of what you should do if someone's mom doesn't want you to be friends with them. ..... if you had a 10 year old then who cares what someone's mom wants or doesn't because you'd be at least 25-30 or older! Second....what grade is an E????  Third if he's out of control then how do you homeschool and why does he have a gamecube when he doesn't do schoolwork????

    If this is a legit question then you need a parenting class and he needs counseling. Good parenting keeps kids from being out of control.

  8. First of all, your grammar is horrible. If you're going to be home schooling him, make sure you know your information correctly. If you're not competent, then send him to public school. I bet he will get a better education there.

    Now to the question. You may want to take him to a psychiatrist or other expert to see what is causing this erratic behavior. Restricting his time using video games will help.

    From the way it looks, what he needs is discipline.

  9. I wouldnt take it away, but i would try to treat it as a "privledge".

    For example, he gets to play for an hour or so AFTER schoolwork, but not before. And if he acts out, it goes away for the night.

    Completely depriving him would ultimately cause him to act out more.

    Also, you may want to talk to your doctor. He could be suffering from depression or ADHD. Yes, ADHD kids will act out this way and getting the right treatment will help. Either way dont ignore it because it will only get worse if attention is not brought to the situation.

  10. h**l yeah I would take it away. I wouldn't give it back in tell he picks up his grades!! Something must be taking his attention away from school. He is only ten!! If you don't do anything about it now, he is never gonna make it through highschool and you'll probably have lots of problems!! Good luck!

  11. I thnk u should warn him and if he dosent listen take when hes playing it

  12. maybe he should be public schooled rather than home schooled???

  13. I can see where he gets his attitude.   I would try giving him incentives.  If he does well on a test or completes home work tell him that earns him points and he could receive time on his game or a new one.    Seriously though I don't think calling him a demond is going to help.

  14. if hes reli as bad as you say i think it is best to take it away, but not firever just untill he gets better.

    and did i read it right?

    did u call ur son a t*t? pmsl

  15. yes do it!

  16. The gamecube isnt the problem.  He has other issues that need to be dealt with.  I would suggest family counseling.  I would also suggest you read books on setting limits and discipline. My personal favorites are positive discipline (there are a variety of these) and how to talk so your kids will listen and listen so your kids will talk.  Both are excellent books.

  17. yes, if you think your child is doing very bad they do need to have a little discipline in their life so just tell him when he learns to bring up his grades he can have it back so have a nice day !!!

                           sincerely, natalie R

  18. Yes!

  19. um heres a tip there is no such grade as e!!but ds yeah and u should definetely take away his game cube and give it back after he gets good grades.

  20. by takin his cube wil only worsen d matter.instead ignore evrthin he does also appreciate 4 what so ever grades he gets kid is dumb its only d lack of  interest.try spending more time with him n please try cutting down ur attitude in front of ur kid's!!

  21. Warn him once.  If he is disrespectful or does not get his work done, calmly walk over and unplug the controllers and hide them.  He has ____ days of consistent good behavior - no spitting, no arguing, and responsible behavior.

    However, it sounds like this goes way beyond the need to change things in order to teach him respect and discipline.  Sit him down and talk with him - make a list of expected behaviors and go over them with him.  From now on, this is what he is expected to act like.  Let him have input on how this will be implemented and enforced - if he forgets and slips, what will his warning be (nonverbal, code word, whatever), and if he's defiantly disobeying you or someone else, what will his punishment be.

    Then, expect him to do it.  You have to be consistent as well - when he slips up, give him his warning, and expect him to follow it.  If he doesn't, he gets round one of whatever punishment the two of you (or the three of you, if you're married) came up with.  He will likely resist this at first, so be prepared to stick to your guns, but after a while of having structure he'll get used to it and fall into line.

    Something important to remember is that kids (usually) only act like this when they're allowed to.  If he's been allowed to act like this without so much as his gamecube being taken away, then he's been "taught" that this behavior is ok.  You'll need to "re-teach" him what acceptable, respectful, responsible behavior is, and it may not be easy...but it will be worth it.

  22. i don't think u should take it away completely because he might get really mad a go COMPLETELY against studying . maybe save some time in the day 4 play time, and some time for studying. or you can make a rota for example 4pm-5pm play and 6pm-7.30pm study...

  23. yep or at least limit it

  24. This is wrong on so many levels...I can't even begin to explain them all. You could punish him all you want, but it won't get the results you want to see, it will just create a sullen boy who is eager to turn eighteen and move out of your home.

    Your negative viewpoint of him (and namecalling) is creating a cycle of distrust and disrespect. Love and understanding of who he is, with a bit of respect and encouragement would create a child who is willing to try harder. You should read Parenting with Love and Logic. kids play video games and they are some of the most intelligent compassionate people I know. Video games are not inherently evil, they are just a tool. The way people perceive gaming changes the child's perception and then behavior.

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