
Should i take money from my parents?

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my parents are really cheap and hardly ever give me money even when i offer to do chores around the house they say no cause they dont want to give me money but the other day i found a wad of cash in my dads drawer and since my parents dont give me money ive been thinking of taking some not alot maybe just like 10$ should i go for it do you think i will get caught???




  1. Stealing is a sin and whether or not they catch you, God knows. Once you get started it will be hard to stop. Then when you get older it will only cause you trouble, which is very easy to get into, but hard as h**l to get out of.

  2. stealing is wrong in the first place, try and earn money outside the house, e.g. get a job or do the next door neighbours lawn for $5.

    How will ur parents feel if they know $10 is missing, when they suspect u and maybe one day catch u, then u'll lose their trust and they may even treat u like a stranger in the house, never take money from parents. It is wrong and selfish of urself.


  3. Never steal ANYTHING from ANYBODY--especially your parents!! What goes around comes around.

  4. no dont

    parents always find out

    plus they could call the cops cause that is technically stealing

    my friend stole stuff from his parents and he sold stuff

    he spent 20 days in juvy

    if you do take it what will be next? do you really want to turn into that kind of person?

  5. no,  don't steal money from them. i'm sorry if they're cheap, but you dont know anything about your financial needs right now. you could be in a really right money sitchuation right now without even knowing. consider getting a job, thought i don't know your age, and start doing chores for the NEIGHBORS and you might get some cash that way. good luck!

  6. If you take your parents money it may cause them to never trust you again. And if they are as "cheap" as you say, they will know money is missing.

    Perhaps your parents really do need all the money they are making. Maybe to pay bills, etc.

    Try this. If you want some extra money, ask your parents if it is okay to ask some of the neighbors in the neighborhood if they need their dogs walked after school. Ask an elderly person if they need help with chores around their home like vacuuming, taking out the trash, etc.

    Stealing is NEVER the answer. It leads to trust issues with your parents which is worse than not getting any money.

    Good luck and make the right choice. You already know what the right choice is or you wouldn't be asking a bunch of strangers if it is okay.


  7. NO

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