
Should i take muay thai or bjj?

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i was wondering what would be the best martial art for self defence




  1. I highly recommend you to take both. Why not? They are both very lethal forms of martial arts. Both will help you defend yourself very well.

  2. Both are very good martial arts go try them both and pick which one you like best

  3. i would say take both and see which one you like more.

  4. hands down muy thai would be uncle took that for 4 months and i dont think anyone would be able to get a hit off him

  5. I would suggest muay thai because it is a fast and efective system of fighting. If you get into a fight with multiple ie two opponets you want to be able to fight them wuith a striking art rather than grappling one and the other kicking you. With muay thai you can hack their legs and elbow thewm on the face plus your pain threshold will be ,more stronger if you do muay thai as a lot of empahasis is on conditioing and strength.

  6. Bjj I'd suggest :)***

  7. Wow, good choices, but you have to ask yourself a question, are you a striker or a grappler ?

    If you are comfortable standing up, striking and kicking, then MT is for you.  If you feel comfortable in close wrestling with an opponent than BJJ is for you.  Try a couple of classes in both, see which one you enjoy more.

    We all have our comfort zones, find out which is more you.  you may enjoy striking and the training of MT, or you may enjoy rolling around in BJJ, the only way you will know is to try both.

  8. I think that they're about equal. Muay thai would teach you how to KO someone when you're standing and BJJ would teach you how to choke them out or break a body part while on the ground.

  9. muay thai

  10. There is no easy answer to this question.  But from my personal experience I study both a brutal self defense art and BJJ.  I love them both of them but I would not initiate a ground technique if facing multiple attackers so initially I may opt to rely on my stand up skills, leverages, throws, strikes to critical organs etc, rather than take someone down and begin an inside fight with them.  I will however employ all of my knowledge in self defense to protect my well being.  And I will use everything my attacker gives against him.

    You are asking about two of the most physically demanding martial arts out there.  And both are devastating when employed properly.

    BJJ is a very good self defense art.  The basic principles are: close the distance, take down your attacker, establish a superior position over your attacker, submit your attacker.  Learning to do this can be time consuming and physically challenging.  Your training can take years and there are many nuisances in the art that have developed over the years.  So you have a lot to learn.

    The same is true for Muy Thai.  Great powerful art but it will be demanding physically.

    Good luck in whatever you decide.  You have selected to very good fighting systems.


  11. Muay Thai, best for self defense. BJJ is practically useless for more than one opponent. Japanese Jiu-Jitsu is good though and maybe theoriginal BJJ deals with standup, but I don't know. Muay Thai is excellent for fighting in the trapping range which is the clinch. Headbutts, ewlbows and knees are effective here as well as foot stomps and soem hip action grappling , Judo style, I think Judo might complement Muay Thai nicely, but I am not even close to the one to ask for that stuff. I do know that Muay Thai is standup whereas BJJ is on the ground and that is not good for self defense.

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