
Should i take my 16yr old sis 2get her tongue pierced?

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I'm 21 yrs old. my sis will be 16 in 2months. she really wants her tongue pierced & keeps pressuring me 2take her. i know my parents wouldn't b pleased, let alone if they knew i was the1 that took her. she tells me they won't find out, but i can't decide whether doing that would be wrong/irresponsible, or if it would be considered harm reduction.

i figure, if she wants it so bad, she might just go & do it unproffesionally anyway, which would probably be risky, etc.

::sigh:: what do i do??

i thought of calling my parents n just being upfront about it & maybe convincing them 2let her get it, but when i presented that to my sis, she got mad and told me 2just forget it.

ew. why do i feel soo sh*tty!?!




  1. it's a very risky thing to get pierced, you have a major vein in your tounge, and if pierced wrong she can hemmorage to death.

    do you want to be responsible for your sisters death if something were to happen?

    and the reason you feel so bad is because you've probably been in a situation like this before, where you wanted something and your parents said no, and you wished that you could have someone help yo get it.

  2. Why not

    My sister has got her belly button pierced and is getting a tattoo on her wrist and she turned 16 about a month and a half ago

  3. Don't take her to get it done..

    Your parents wouldn't approve of it.. and piercings on younger kids (other than ears) just look.. Wrong..

  4. My sister wanted me to take her to get her belly button pierced I said no. If she doesnt stay with you then I dont advise it b/c your parents will be mad as h***.  My parents told me if I did that for my sister then I might as well be her legal guardian and let her stay with me.

  5. 12 Reasons NOT to get it done.

    1. Severe bleeding or nerve damage: if the needle punctures a blood vessel during the piercing, severe and difficult-to-control bleeding could occur.

    2. Infection: the mouth contains millions of bacteria, and bacterial infection is a common complication from tongue piercing.

    3. Pain: healing time prolonged.

    4. Swelling: the tongue could swell large enough to close off the airway.

    5. Disease transmission: The National Institutes of Health ( has identified piercing in general as a possible vector for blood borne hepatitis (hepatitis B, C, D and G) transmission. In addition, there is risk of other disease transmission such as HIV.

    6. Choking hazard: tongue jewelry could come loose in the mouth creating a choking hazard.

    7. Chipped or cracked teeth: tongue jewelry can chip or crack the teeth.

    8. Enamel loss: tongue jewelry can increase the risk of damage to teeth enamel.

    9. Recessed gums: The Journal of the American Dental Association (JADA) has reported that tongue piercing increases the risk for recessed gums.

    10. Tooth loss: The JADA has reported that tongue piercing increases the risk for loose teeth and tooth loss.

    11. Scar tissue formation: thick scarring could form at the piercing site.

    12. Speech Interference: tongue jewelry can interfere with speech.

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