
Should i take my ex back?

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ok so me and my ex went out for 6 months before breaking up with me and going out with another guy a month later. after just a week with that guy she broke up with him and came back to me telling me she had no feelings for him and im who she wants. i still love her but i dont know if it would be stupid of me to just take her back like her breaking my heart was nothing




  1. When you take her back don't hold on to tight to her because she will leave you again for the next cute guy she is interested in.

  2. No, sounds like she doesn't want to be alone. Is she going to use you until another guy she is interested in comes along?

  3. So you say you two were together for 6mos,then you should have some kind of idea on what kind of person she is.What is your heart & head telling you?Be careful because you don't want to get hurt again right?

  4. No, dont take her back. She doesnt give a rats a** about your feelings and she'll do it again. Breaking your heart was a big deal, youre right to worry.

  5. Tell her "yeah RIGGGHHHHHHT,ESPECIALLY since HE dumped YOU."

    Tell her you have moved on,and so should she.

  6. nope

  7. Sounds like a Singles & Dating question, not one for Marriage & Divorce.  Still, I'd like to say this to you......Meeeowwww

  8. People become ex's for a reason..remember the reason you two broke up and move on...she should have to jump through hoops to win your love...if she really wants to come back and say she is sorry then she should be willing to " repent, rebuild and pay restitution to the relationship. You don't just forgive because it is asked. Forgiveness is not the same as reconciliation Trust has to be rebuilt and she should be willing to prove that she is worthy.

  9. I don't think she is ready for a serious relationship. If you really want to be with her maybe you should try being friends first and see where things go. she needs some time being single to really know what she wants. she might just want you because you are "old reliable". Don't settle. there's a reason she's an ex.  

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